New Message (aryan invasion)

Das Menon dmenon at
Mon Dec 16 02:03:53 UTC 1996

>Lars Martin Fosse wrote:
>I think you must make a difference between language as a set of phonetical
>and grammatical rules on the one hand, and language as the medium for
>literary products. Everywhere in the world, the latter is more refined than
>the language spoken by ordinary users. But if we look at some of the simpler
>texts, such as parts of the Brahmanas or of the Epic, Sanskrit does not come
>across as less complicated or more elegant than, say, texts written in
>Slavonic languages. The artificiality of Sanskrit, however, increases
>considerably with the use of long compounds. 

Recently in Issue #2, Vol #1 of Samhita (also at the International
Conference on Indus Saraswati Civilization Atlanta), Sri Rayalu was
questioning whether it is actually Sanskrit that is the language of the
Vedas! He cites examples based on Words, Sentences, Thought and AKshara
Variations to argue that at the least Vedas cannot be intrepreted on the
basis of Sanskrit meanings. 


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