A riddle

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Fri Nov 17 15:00:50 UTC 1995

The correct reading for the Vedic verse is as follows:

	trayambakaM yajaamahe
	sugandhiM puZTivardhanam
	urvaarukam iva bandhanaan
	mRtyor mukZiiya maa mRtaat

	Madhav Deshpande

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, RAH wrote:

> Being a university professor is one of the few jobs, at least as far as I 
> am aware, in which one is expected to be involved in some sort of 
> "community service". Not many people from the community have been banging 
> on my door for my help, but someone recently has. An acquaintance of mine 
> has been given a verse to memorize and repeat. (By whom and why I don't 
> know. Maybe something to do with the Iyengar school of yoga.) Being 
> curious, she asked me if I would tell her how to pronounce it properly 
> and what it means. The following is what she gave me. I haven't 
> completely figured it out yet (and frankly, I'm now stuck), but I thought 
> some of you may be interested in trying to figure it out for yourselves. 
> It's sort of like editing a corrupt manuscript. I would offer a prize, 
> but the garage just called me and said my car needed $1400  in repairs.
> I'm trying to cheer myself up.
> Here's the verse, just as I was given it:
> 	Om Tryambakam
> 		Yejama Hai
> 	Sugandhim pushti
> 		vardhanam
> 	Urva rukumiva
> 		bandhanan
> 	mrityor mukshiya
> 		mamritat
> Have fun,
> Bob Hueckstedt
> Robert A. Hueckstedt, Associate Professor of Indic Languages
> Asian Studies Centre, 328 Fletcher Argue, University of Manitoba
> Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada email: hueckst at cc.umanitoba.ca
> fax 1 204-275-5781 phones 1 204-474-8964, 1 204-488-4797

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