Internet-resources on Asian Studies - repeated query

Manisha Singal navrang at
Fri May 26 03:49:03 UTC 1995

Would you please send me a copy?  Thanks.


At 11:06 AM 5/26/95 BST, you wrote:
>        Some of the recipients of this list might remember the posting I
>sent out some months ago - requesting information on Internet-related
>resources on Asian Studies in general, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies in
>particular. The background was to provide the participants in the 7th
>Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS), which
>will take place from 17th-24th of June in Seggau/Austria with an initial
>directory of such resources, thereby not only documenting how the Internet
>can be of scholarly use, but also presenting a "snap-shot" of the state of
>the art. 
>        I received a lot of information and would like to thank all those
>who contributed. Second, for those who did not receive my original query, I
>would like to re-state it and call for further information (mailing-lists,
>ftp-sites for e-texts, software etc., Web-pages, e-mail-addresses for
>research institutions) on the subject. 
>        The document I have compiled so far comprises ca. 110 entries. I
>made use of already existing directories such as Dr. Matthew Ciolek's
>Buddhist Electronic Resource Directory (BERD), and his Tibetan Electronic
>Resource Guide (TERG), which I up-dated and checked, and added a number of
>resources which I personally deemed useful. Ultimately, the document shall
>be made available on-line, although at the present stage, it is not yet
>clear in which form. The idea is to somehow make it into an interactive
>database, which will be made accessible through a Web-page of the Institute
>for Indian Philosophy of Hiroshima University, which shall manifest itself
>in course of the summer. 
>        For the time being, if anybody is interested in an ASCII-file of the
>database, feel free to e-mail me, and I will send it (zipped and uuencoded). 
>Birgit Kellner
>Institute for Indian Philosophy
>University of Hiroshima


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