Fwd: TrueType-fonts with diacritical characters

F.J. Martinez Garcia martinez at em.uni-frankfurt.d400.de
Thu Aug 17 19:53:07 UTC 1995

>I am looking for Truetype- (or Postscript-) fonts with diacritical 
>characters for both Windows- and Mac- Computers. Would anybody 
>happen to know any FTP-site from where I could download them or 
>somebody I could ask for. 

You'll find TrueType Fonts for WIN under
or (german)

with best Regards J.M.

                       Dr. Fco. Javier Mart!nez Garc!a

   Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft   |  tel.     +49- 69- 7982 2847
   Universitt Frankfurt              |   (sekr.) +49- 69- 7982 3139
   Postfach 11 19 32                  |  fax.     +49- 69- 7982 2873
   D-60054 Frankfurt                  |  martinez at em.uni-frankfurt.d400.de
     http: //www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/home/ftp/pub/titus/public_html


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