Brahman Christians

aklujkar at aklujkar at
Thu Aug 17 18:15:56 UTC 1995

Francois Quiviger wrote earlier today:

<In his book on Roberto De'Nobili (1972) Fr Bachmann points out that high
caste converts were ostracised. Since they could not marry non Christian
Brahman women some remained single and *some moved to the Coast*.  I
assume that by *the Coast* he means Portuguese territories, but
unfortunately Bachmann does not give any reference or says whether these
Brahmans affiliated themselves in some way to the Saint Thomas Christians
or simply to the Christian communities. >

I cannot answer the precise question raised in the above. However, I think
it is relevant to point out that there is/was a small community of
Saama-vedii Christian Brahmins in Goa, (if I recall correctly) living in a
lane of Panji.  They observed many restrictions regarding food and
marriage. A Marathi artilcle on them by Professor R. B. [= Raa.Bhi.] Joshi
was published in a Diwali issue of either the Satya-kathaa or Mauja
magazine/periodical sometime between 1970-80. If I manage to get the exact
reference I shall post it on this list.  It is possible that a collection
of Joshi's essays has been published and the article forms a part of that

-- ashok aklujkar


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