Replying to Indology messages (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Tue Aug 15 10:32:38 UTC 1995

Mani Varadarajan said:
> Can we then get the Indology list processor to send
> a copy of the message to the sender by default? It
> currently does not do this. People who send a message
> by hitting "R" will then be able to confirm whether
> they sent it to the list as a whole or not.  It is
> also nice to receive a copy of one's own mail.

This has always been possible.  Send the message "set indology mail ack"
to the address "listserv at".

To learn about how you can get the best from the listserv software that
INDOLOGY uses, send the message "help" to the same address.  Also, try
sending "help set" to get a list of all the settings one has control



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