Replying to Indology messages (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Mon Aug 14 12:40:04 UTC 1995

Further to the issue of replying to INDOLOGY messages (whether the reply
goes to INDOLOGY or to the individual correspondent), Chris Wooff
recently said:

Forwarded message:
> From: Chris Wooff <C.Wooff at>
> Subject: Re: Replying to Indology messages (fwd)
> To: d.wujastyk at
> Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 08:54:32 +0100 (BST)
> Dominik, sorry for the delay in replying I'm only recently back to
> work after a holiday.
> I'm happy to change it if that is what the majority really want.
> Personally I'd recommend leaving it the way it is. People who
> don't check the to: field of mail they are sending will cause
> problems regardless. In the present scenario this will cause
> some personal messages to get sent to the list. If we change
> reply-to: to point to the individual then you'll find some mail which
> *is* relevant to the list gets sent to one individual. 
> You pays your money........
> Chris

For my money, I think I'd rather leave things as they are.  I "reply"
more often to INDOLOGY at large than to the individual poster of the
message.  I am prepared to be careful about posting private messages to
the full membership by accident.

Could we vote?  Send me a message at d.wujastyk at, with your
vote as the subject line.  Say either

  "public replies" .... to keep replies going to the whole membership, or
  "private replies" ... to change the system so that replies go to
                        individuals by default.



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