history of Indian astronomy/astrology

Suresh Madhu suresh at WPI.EDU
Tue Nov 23 19:46:31 UTC 1993

Some of you might have already got a mail from me personally requesting
references on the subject of history of Indian astronomy/astrology. I 
would like to add that I already used the ISIS bibliographies which have 
provided me with some resources necessary for my study. 

What I am looking for is a perspective different from that of David Pingree!
And also, some material that treats the matter more from the Astrology side 
rather than Astronomy/Mathematics side. Most of the references I already
have is for the latter.

Also, do you know of any sites/archives which would have english translations 
of the primary sources that you think could be of help to me? :-)

Thanks again

Suresh Madhu

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