diacritic fonts for HP, WordPerfect available

JHUBBARD at smith.smith.edu JHUBBARD at smith.smith.edu
Wed Jul 21 19:40:17 UTC 1993

Dominik will shortly put a package on the FTP site that contains HP
Laserjet fonts w/ diacritics for romanized Sanskrit (& Japanese) and
support for WordPerfect (though they can be used with any other package
that supports "soft" fonts). Part of the read.me file follows.
                    Jamie Hubbard, Smith College
  This archive contains Times Roman fonts for the HP LaserJet. The
fonts (8pt italic, 10pt regular, bold, italic, 12pt regular, bold,
italic, 14pt bold, 18pt bold, 24pt bold) contain (almost) all of the
characters needed for romanization of upper/lowercase Sanskrit and
Japanese, that is, all of the characters with diacritics (long a,
retroflex t, etc.). I have also included several printer files,
macros, etc. for using these fonts with WordPerfect 5.0/5.1.  The
fonts were created using the FontGen IV+ editing software.
NOTE: These are my personal-use fonts that I have used for many
years, and they are idiosyncratic (e.g., lowercase and uppercase
"vocalic r", but only lowercase "vocalic l", I have added Japanese
long o & e). I am not a publisher nor a type master (though the AAR
Buddhism Section Newsletter is printed with these fonts, Ventura
Publisher, and an HPIIp clone), and while I hope they are as useful to you as
they are to me, I am NOT a software developer, nor do I wish to
support this package in any way. PLEASE exhaust your local support
people, friends, neighbors, and especially the manuals for your
printer and word processor before asking me. If all else fails, I
would rather you call me (413-585-3449) than write, and it would be
best if you are sitting in front of your computer when you call.
Nothing about this is difficult, but it seems to be in the nature of
computers that things never work as you would expect. GOOD LUCK.

Jamie Hubbard, Smith College

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