[INDOLOGY] Naming of the the nakṣatras

Jean Michel DELIRE jeanmicheldelire at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 17:59:21 UTC 2024

And again these :
William Jones,  “*On the antiquity of the Indian Zodiac*”, *Asiatick
Researches*, 2 (1790), 289-306
Pingree, D., *« On the identification of the Yogat*á*r*á*s** of the Indian
nak*ç*atras »*, *Journal for the History of Astronomy*, 20 (1989), pp.99-109
J.Filliozat, « *L’Inde et les échanges scientifiques dans l’Antiquité*
», *Cahiers
d’histoire mondiale*, vol.I (1953),
J.Filliozat, *« Ancient relations between Indian and foreign astronomical
systems »*, *Journal of Oriental Research*, 25 (1956),
J.Filliozat, *« La détermination des positions du Soleil en astronomie
indienne ancienne »*, *Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences*,
21 (1968)


Jean Michel

Le mer. 2 oct. 2024 à 19:40, Jean Michel DELIRE <jeanmicheldelire at gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Dear Antonia,
> Here are two excellent references :
> A. Weber, « *Die vedischen Nachrichten von den naxatra (Mondstationen)*
> », *Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin*
> 1860 (I), p. 281-332 and 1862 (II), p. 265-400
> A. Scherer, *Gestirnnamen bei den Indogermanischen Völkern*, Heidelberg,
> 1953
> Best,
> *Jean Michel DELIRE, PhD*
> *Lecturer on **Science and civilisation of India - Sanskrit Texts - IHEB
> (ULB)*
> *Lecturer on History of mathematics - IHEB (University of Brussels, ULB)*
> *Member (Administrator) of the Centre National d'Histoire des Sciences
> (KBR, Bruxelles)*
> *Member of the Société Asiatique (Paris)*
> *Member of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies*
> *Member (Advisory Board) of the International Study Group on the Relations
> Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics*
> Le mer. 2 oct. 2024 à 16:31, Antonia Ruppel via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> a écrit :
>> Dear list,
>> On behalf of a colleague, I am looking for literature on the naming of
>> the nakṣatras. Also, do we know how it was decided which star (sometimes
>> singular, sometimes plural) was chosen to 'represent' that part of the sky,
>> as it were?
>> In some cases, it seems obvious (the Pleiades, for example, are quite
>> striking, even with modern levels of light pollution; and Aldebaran is
>> reddish/rohiṇī indeed); in others less so, hence the search for any
>> systematic studies of this.
>> With many thanks,
>>      Antonia
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