[INDOLOGY] Samavedic musical notation

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Fri May 24 12:09:18 UTC 2024

Are the subscripts (1's and 2') in this partial manuscript page image from
lesson 8 of the online Maurer Sanskrit text lessons samaveda musical
notation or something else.

Harry Spier

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 3:41 AM Christophe Vielle via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> I recently noticed this material put on Archive.org <http://archive.org/> (and
> also available on sanskritdocuments.org):
> https://archive.org/details/sAmagAnam/Samaveda_Samams_Decoding_PR_Iyer/
> Samagana (sAmagAnam सामगानम्) are lines for chanting with musical notes.
> These lines have no relation with the lines of saamaveda Samhita.
> Saamagaanam is not singing of the samhita. We present here first portions
> of SAmagAna in Malayalam script, handwritten manuscripts with svaras
> prepared by P R Iyer (iyerpr49 at gmail) communicated in January 2021.
> Linked from https://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_veda
> The audio clips of the Samaveda Ganam are available at
> https://iish.org/sama-veda/
> The text in the PDF files has the corresponding audio clip number and
> minute:seconds time stamp on the left side of the text in each PDF file.
> By clip number 24, audios of Grama gaanam (GG) and Aranyaka gaanam(AG) are
> completed.
> The remaining 40 audio clips are for Uha gaanam and Uhya gaanam.
> Uha gaanam and Uhya gaanam text is really massive actually intimidating
> and error prone.  Those are not prepared here, and there is no plan to post
> them.
> The document Samaveda_Samams_Decoding_PR_Iyer.pdf will help the reader to
> chant saamams musically.
> Another file Secrets_of_gUDhAkSharams_of_sAmaveda_saMhitA_PRIyer.pdf
> will reveal some Secrets of gUDhAkSharams of_ sAmaveda saMhitA.
> For information, all Samaveda Samhita files in Malayalam are available at
> https://archive.org/details/samaveda-malayalam-0001-0114-Agneyam_PR-Iyer/Samaveda_Malayalam_0001-0114_Agneyam_PR_Iyer
> Samaveda Samhita Kauthuma Samhita in Malayalam handwritten manuscripts
> with Samaveda svaras prepared by P R Iyer (iyerpr49 at gmail) communicated
> in October 2020.  Linked from https://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_veda
> There is also by the same
> https://archive.org/details/rigveda-malayalam-01-001-019-a-1.1-pr-iyer/Rigveda_Malayalam_01_001-019_A1.1_PR_Iyer/
> Rigveda Samhita in Malayalam handwritten manuscripts with Vedic svaras
> (anudAtta, svarita, 1 1/2, and dIrgha svarita) prepared by P R Iyer
> (iyerpr49 at gmail) communicated in August 2020.  The files are arranged
> with maNDala, sUkta range, and aShTakas.adhyAya.  Linked from
> https://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_veda
> –––––––––––––––––––
> Le 29 janv. 2024 à 17:55, Jan E.M. Houben via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> a écrit :
> Dear François,
> Since you want to give a reply to your student -- Asko: happy to know that
> this important publication of Wayne Howard has been generously made
> available at the Studia Orientalia website -- you may consider in addition
> to refer him to:
> J.M. van der Hoogt:
> The Vedic Chant Studied in its Textual and Melodic Form.
> (Concerns mainly the Kauthuma school of Samaveda.)
> Dissertation at the University of Amsterdam (prepared under the direction
> of Barend Faddegon).
> Wageningen: Veenman & Sons, 1929.
> Without practical examples this, and many other publications on the
> Samaveda, still remain largely incomprehensible.
> Hence the necessity either to travel to India and study the Sama chant in
> situ,
> or to refer in addition to:
> https://vimeo.com/channels/vedicritual
> and more specifically to
> https://vimeo.com/channels/vedicritual/722739138
> Vaidikas in Bucharest 2010 - edited Paris 2022
> Pdt. Chaitanya N. Kale and Pdt. Mukund R. Joshi (of the rare Rāṇāyanīya
> school of the Sāmaveda) give a presentation:
> *The mnemotechniques and traditional recitation of the Vedic Samhitas (RV
> and SV)*
> Bucharest, 22 September 2010.
> A. Recitation of some well-known Rgvedic mantras (their precise
> identification is left as an exercise to students of the Vedas) -- 00:30;
> B. RV 1.164.50 in samhita, pada and krama patha -- 04:25;
> C. Samavedic mantras and chant --
> 07:25 intro;
> 08:25 recitation of Purvarcika, SV 1.1-10;
> 10:25 chant on the basis of SV 1.139: together with text plus its musical
> notation.
> All best,
> Jan
> On Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 10:12, Asko Parpola via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> Dear François, See:
>> Howard, Wayne, 1977. Sāmavedic  chant. New Haven: Yale University Press.
>> xxv, 572 pp., 48 ill., 8 tables.
>> Howard, Wayne, 1988. Decipherment of the musical notation of the
>> Jaiminīyas. With a foreword by Asko Parpola. (Studia Orientalia, 63.)
>> Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society. xv, 330 pp.
>> downloadable at https://journal.fi/store/issue/view/3442.
>> Falk, Harry, 1993. Die beiden Notationen der sāmavedischen svaras.
>> Berliner Indologische Studien 7: 103-107.
>> With best wishes, Asko
>> On 27. Jan 2024, at 21.09, François Voegeli via INDOLOGY <
>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> Dear Members of the List,
>> Where can I find a good, concise and understandable explanation of the
>> sāmavedic musical notation?
>> I found some rather brief or cryptic comments on the matter in Renou's
>> "Inde classique" § 547-548 and Burnell (Introduction to the Ārṣeya
>> Brāhmaṇa, p. xxvi-xxvii), but these are not sufficient for my purpose
>> (which is to give the best possible answer to a student's question).
>> This doesn't need to be exhaustive. A good and simple description of the
>> Jaiminīya's way, for example, would be enough.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> F. Voegeli
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> --
> *Jan E.M. Houben*
> Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology
> *Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite*
> École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, Paris Sciences et Lettres)
> *Sciences historiques et philologiques *
> Groupe de recherches en études indiennes (EA 2120)
> *johannes.houben [at] ephe.psl.eu <johannes.houben at ephe.psl.eu>*
> *https://ephe-sorbonne.academia.edu/JanEMHouben
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> *https://www.classicalindia.info* <https://www.classicalindia.info/>
> LabEx Hastec -- *L'Inde Classique* augmentée: construction, transmission
>      et transformations d'un savoir scientifique
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> Christophe Vielle <https://uclouvain.be/en/directories/christophe.vielle>
> Louvain-la-Neuve
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