[INDOLOGY] 4th LMU-UC Berkeley workshop in Buddhist Studies, Munich 24-26 May 2024

vincent.tournier at lmu.de vincent.tournier at lmu.de
Fri May 17 07:12:02 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues and friends, 

Please find in attachment the programme of the upcoming workshop  “Dynamics of Tradition Building in Asian Buddhism(s)” to be held at LMU next week-end. The main goal of this fourth LMU-UCB workshop is to foster exchange and collaboration between the Buddhist Studies communities in Berkeley and Munich. Since a good number of papers deals with South Asia, this event might be of interest to this community, especially those currently staying near Munich. Indeed, the workshop will be in-presence only; to register, please contact Louise.Roche at lmu.de <mailto:Louise.Roche at lmu.de>.

With all best wishes, 

Prof. Dr. Vincent Tournier
Lehrstuhl für Klassische Indologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department für Asienstudien, Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 | 80539 München | Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (0)89 2180-5501

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