[INDOLOGY] Search for an article

Marco Franceschini marco.franceschini3 at gmail.com
Mon May 13 17:03:58 UTC 2024

Many thanks to Pranav Prakash for sending me the article in exactly four minutes. Unbelievable, I am amazed! Many thanks again.



> Il giorno 13 mag 2024, alle ore 18:54, Marco Franceschini <marco.franceschini3 at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Dear friends and colleagues,
> if any of you have an electronic copy of the following article, I would be very grateful if s/he could forward it to me:
> Verrier, Elwin, "The vagina dentata legend", British Journal of Medical Psychology, Volume19, Issue 3-4, June 1943, 439-453.
> Many thanks in advance,
> best wishes,
> Marco
> ---
> Marco Franceschini
> ———————————
> Associate Professor
> University of Bologna
> Department of History and Cultures
> marco.franceschini3 at unibo.it <mailto:marco.franceschini3 at unibo.it>
> https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/marco.franceschini3/en
> http://unibo.academia.edu/MarcoFranceschini
> www.associazioneitalianadistudisanscriti.org <http://www.associazioneitalianadistudisanscriti.org/>

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