[INDOLOGY] iconography of an Indian carved wooden panel

Asko Parpola aparpola at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 19:38:19 UTC 2024

Years ago my wife acquired in London the finely carved wooden panel a scan of which is attached.
We are at loss in trying to identify the central figure with vaiṣṇava marks, worshipped by the monkey
king (Hanuman? Vālin?) and the bird king (Garuḍa? Jaṭāyus?). The worshippers rather point to
Rāma, but the iconography of the object of their worship is unusual and strange to me. 
He wears a crown and the upper hands hold a three-leaved plant (?) and a sword or dagger (?), 
the lower hands hold garlands (?) or reins of chariot horse (?). We look forward to expert opinions.

Best regards, Asko
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