[INDOLOGY] Tārā-namaskāra-ekaviṃśati-stotram
David and Nancy Reigle
dnreigle at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 04:08:21 UTC 2024
Dear Shrikant,
The recitation of stotras is important to a lot of people. YouTube has many
stotras, and I think your observation of many faults in the recitation
applies to the majority of them. You have set a fine example to emulate
with your recitation of the verses of chapter 24 of the Lotus Sutra:
Best regards,
David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.
On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:01 AM Shrikant Bahulkar <
shrikant.bahulkar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear David, you did a great job. It is absolutely necessary to bring out a
> good edition. The next step is the recitation of Stotras. While it is less
> important for academics, there are several people who love to recite the
> Stotras. I have however observed many faults in the recitation.
> On Sat, 9 Mar 2024, 23:14 David and Nancy Reigle via INDOLOGY, <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> An error in my "more reliable" digital edition was discovered by me last
>> night. Apologies to all who already downloaded it. The corrected version
>> was uploaded to Academia.edu last night, after I found the error. It is in
>> verse 11, pāda b: the incorrect "patala" instead of the correct "paṭala".
>> Sorry!
>> Best regards,
>> David Reigle
>> Colorado, U.S.A.
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 5:09 PM David and Nancy Reigle <dnreigle at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The worst two editions by far are the ones that have been input and have
>>> thus become widely available digitally. This is unfortunate, especially so
>>> since these may unknowingly be regarded as "the" Sanskrit of this text. So
>>> I have prepared a more reliable digital edition. In the absence of any
>>> palm-leaf manuscript, I have had to simply make use of a few more exemplars
>>> of the Tibetan transliteration of the Sanskrit text found in the
>>> *Sarva-tathāgata-mātṛ-tārā-viśva-karma-bhava-tantra* than were
>>> available to Martin Willson by 1986.
>>> The first digital edition, from 2004, available from the Digital
>>> Sanskrit Buddhist Canon site in devanāgarī (
>>> https://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/content/631/2758) and in roman (
>>> https://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/content/113/806), was input from
>>> Janardan Shastri Pandey's edition in his 1994 *Bauddhastotrasamgraha*.
>>> Pandey is an excellent Sanskrit pandit, and he emended what he could (in
>>> parentheses), but the manuscript he drew from was obviously very corrupt.
>>> In his *Āryatārāsragdharāstotram & Tārānamaskāraikaviṃśatistotram*
>>> published the following year, 1995, he provided a greatly improved edition.
>>> As comparison of his readings show, he had access to Wayman's 1959 edition
>>> that was reprinted in his 1984 book, *Buddhist Insight*, in the interim.
>>> The second digital edition, from 2020, available from GRETIL (
>>> https://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/gretil/corpustei/transformations/html/sa_namaskAraikaviMzatistotra.htm),
>>> was input from Godefroy de Blonay's 1895 edition, which was based on two
>>> late paper manuscripts. The understandable inadequacy of this pioneering
>>> edition has long been known, yet it is not as bad as the first digital
>>> edition, described above.
>>> On the basis of the very old Tibetan transliteration of the Sanskrit
>>> text found in the *Sarva-tathāgata-mātṛ-tārā-viśva-karma-bhava-tantra*,
>>> in comparison with de Blonay's edition and the TIbetan translation (Toh.
>>> 438), Alex Wayman was able to produce a good edition in 1959 (*Journal
>>> of the Bihar Research Society*, vol. XLV, pp. 36-43). He used only the
>>> sDe dge recension for the Tibetan transcription. Martin Willson used
>>> several more recensions, and produced a very good edition in his 1986 book, *In
>>> Praise of Tārā*. I found only one reading that I regard as an error in
>>> his edition: abhivartinam rather than correct abhivartinām in verse
>>> 26d. Based on additional sources, I chose equally correct alternative
>>> readings in several places.
>>> This stotra was brought to my attention by a friend who has long worked
>>> with the Tibetan sources. After then seeing how faulty the widely used
>>> Sanskrit edition from the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon is, I undertook
>>> this digital edition. I would be happy to have it uploaded to Archive.org.
>>> In the meantime, it can be found here:
>>> https://www.academia.edu/115937238/Tara_namaskaraikavimsati_stotram
>>> Best regards,
>>> David Reigle
>>> Colorado, USA
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