[INDOLOGY] Tārā-namaskāra-ekaviṃśati-stotram

David and Nancy Reigle dnreigle at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 17:43:35 UTC 2024

An error in my "more reliable" digital edition was discovered by me last
night. Apologies to all who already downloaded it. The corrected version
was uploaded to Academia.edu last night, after I found the error. It is in
verse 11, pāda b: the incorrect "patala" instead of the correct "paṭala".

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 5:09 PM David and Nancy Reigle <dnreigle at gmail.com>

> The worst two editions by far are the ones that have been input and have
> thus become widely available digitally. This is unfortunate, especially so
> since these may unknowingly be regarded as "the" Sanskrit of this text. So
> I have prepared a more reliable digital edition. In the absence of any
> palm-leaf manuscript, I have had to simply make use of a few more exemplars
> of the Tibetan transliteration of the Sanskrit text found in the
> *Sarva-tathāgata-mātṛ-tārā-viśva-karma-bhava-tantra* than were available
> to Martin Willson by 1986.
> The first digital edition, from 2004, available from the Digital Sanskrit
> Buddhist Canon site in devanāgarī (
> https://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/content/631/2758) and in roman (
> https://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/content/113/806), was input from
> Janardan Shastri Pandey's edition in his 1994 *Bauddhastotrasamgraha*.
> Pandey is an excellent Sanskrit pandit, and he emended what he could (in
> parentheses), but the manuscript he drew from was obviously very corrupt.
> In his *Āryatārāsragdharāstotram & Tārānamaskāraikaviṃśatistotram*
> published the following year, 1995, he provided a greatly improved edition.
> As comparison of his readings show, he had access to Wayman's 1959 edition
> that was reprinted in his 1984 book, *Buddhist Insight*, in the interim.
> The second digital edition, from 2020, available from GRETIL (
> https://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/gretil/corpustei/transformations/html/sa_namaskAraikaviMzatistotra.htm),
> was input from Godefroy de Blonay's 1895 edition, which was based on two
> late paper manuscripts. The understandable inadequacy of this pioneering
> edition has long been known, yet it is not as bad as the first digital
> edition, described above.
> On the basis of the very old Tibetan transliteration of the Sanskrit text
> found in the *Sarva-tathāgata-mātṛ-tārā-viśva-karma-bhava-tantra*, in
> comparison with de Blonay's edition and the TIbetan translation (Toh. 438),
> Alex Wayman was able to produce a good edition in 1959 (*Journal of the
> Bihar Research Society*, vol. XLV, pp. 36-43). He used only the sDe dge
> recension for the Tibetan transcription. Martin Willson used several more
> recensions, and produced a very good edition in his 1986 book, *In Praise
> of Tārā*. I found only one reading that I regard as an error in his
> edition: abhivartinam rather than correct abhivartinām in verse 26d.
> Based on additional sources, I chose equally correct alternative readings
> in several places.
> This stotra was brought to my attention by a friend who has long worked
> with the Tibetan sources. After then seeing how faulty the widely used
> Sanskrit edition from the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon is, I undertook
> this digital edition. I would be happy to have it uploaded to Archive.org.
> In the meantime, it can be found here:
> https://www.academia.edu/115937238/Tara_namaskaraikavimsati_stotram
> Best regards,
> David Reigle
> Colorado, USA
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