[INDOLOGY] Kaṭha-Upaniṣad | New Publication

Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA dominik at haas.asia
Mon Jul 22 08:49:53 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

I’m happy to announce the publication of my second monograph (this time 
in German): /Vom Feueraltar zum Yoga. Kommentierte Übersetzung und 
Kohärenzanalyse der Kaṭha-Upaniṣad/ (“From Fire Altar to Yoga: Annotated 
Translation and Coherence Analysis of the Kaṭha-Upaniṣad”), available 
from Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing. The book is Open Access and 
can be downloaded and ordered here: https://doi.org/10.11588/hasp.1329

“The Kaṭha-Upaniṣad is a Sanskrit text composed about 2000 years ago 
dealing with the nature of human beings after death. As one of the 
earliest sources that teach a salvific method designated as yoga, the 
Kaṭha-Upaniṣad has gained renown outside of South Asia. However, due to 
its textual heterogeneity, it has often been said to be incoherent.

In this study, Dominik A. Haas offers a new annotated German translation 
of the text and analysis using text-linguistic methods. He argues that, 
from the beginning, the Kaṭha-Upaniṣad was conceived as a compilation 
intended to combine new contemplative and yogic teachings with the 
ritual mysticism of the famous Vedic fire altar.”

I hope you can make use of it!
Best regards,
D. Haas

(Apologies to those who have received this message more than once.)

*Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA*
dominik at haas.asia | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 
<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8505-6112> | academia.edu DominikAHaas 
<https://univie.academia.edu/DominikAHaas> | hcommons DominikAHaas 
ÖGRW <https://www.univie.ac.at/oegrw/> | DMG 
<https://dmg-web.de/page/home_en> | SDN 
<https://stb.univie.ac.at/publikationsreihen/sammlung-de-nobili-sdn/> | 
WPU <https://philology.org/>
Gonda Fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden (2024)
Post-DocTrack Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2023)
Lecturer, University of Vienna (2023)
Doc Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2020–2022)

– Gāyatrī: Mantra and Mother of the Vedas, 
https://doi.org/10.1553/978OEAW93906 (Roland Atefie Prize 2023)
– Vom Feueraltar zum Yoga. Kommentierte Übersetzung und Kohärenzanalyse 
der Kaṭha-Upaniṣad, https://doi.org/10.11588/hasp.1329
– Puṣpikā 6. Proceedings of the 12th International Indology Graduate 
Research Symposium (Vienna, 2021), https://doi.org/10.11588/hasp.1133

The Initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies
foasas.org <https://foasas.org> | contact at foasas.org

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