[INDOLOGY] Major grants for indological projects

Antonia Ruppel rhododaktylos at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 17:07:03 UTC 2024

The ERC has funded various Indological projects over the past few years:

MUYA (Avestan focus, but strong Sanskrit component):
AVINDIA (same):

LINGUINDIC: https://www.linguindic.com

John Lowe also received a major grant from the Leverhulme Trust

(Apologies this list is a little random; these are the projects I am aware


On Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 15:39, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear list members,
> Have any of the list members kept track of major grants given in the last
> 5 years or so for indological projects.  I had a look at the NEH site but I
> couldn't see any listed.
> Thanks,
> Harry Spier
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