[INDOLOGY] Śrīraṅgamāhātmya ed. Bhattacharya 2012

jason.cannon-silber at studium.uni-hamburg.de jason.cannon-silber at studium.uni-hamburg.de
Sat Jul 20 15:43:27 UTC 2024

  I have been given permission (and encouragement) to share the  
catalogue description as it stands, so here is a link, in case it  
might be of  
interest: https://tst-project.github.io/mss/Cod_Palmbl_III_111.xml?facs=1. As  
you can see, the transcription of the incipit and explicit of the  
final fragment (from the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya) is still in a pretty rough  
state. Any help or hints would be warmly welcomed.

Best wishes,

Quoting "jason.cannon-silber--- via INDOLOGY" <indology at list.indology.info>:

> Dear all,
> I am currently proofreading manuscript catalogue entries for the  
> Texts Surrounding Texts project, and one MS that I am working on  
> contains a fragment of which part is identified as being from the  
> 43rd chapter of the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya (the rest being presumably from  
> the 44th). The EFEO brought out a critical edition and translation  
> of a text under this name just last year, but in a personal  
> communication from one of the editors, I gather that this text  
> exists in two recensions, one of 11 chapters and one of 108. The  
> EFEO edition is apparently of the 11-chapter recension, According to  
> the editor, the 108-chapter version has been edited by T. K. Sriman  
> Bhattacharya and published in Srirangam in 2012.
> It would be very helpful to consult this edition, as the MS is  
> uninked and quite hard for a novice reader of Grantha like myself to  
> make out. And besides, it would be nice to see if what is in the MS  
> matches the published text, or if it perhaps represents still  
> another version. I seem to find no trace of this edition anywhere  
> online, however. Therefore, I leave it to the amazing powers and  
> generosity of this list to point me in a direction where I might  
> find a digital copy.
> Best wishes,
> Jason
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