[INDOLOGY] Fwd: FW: Eighth Annual Lecture in Jain Studies at UC Davis (Dr. Ana Bajželj)

Royce Wiles royce.wiles at gmail.com
Sat May 6 17:58:03 UTC 2023


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I cordially invite you to the Eighth Annual Lecture in Jain Studies at UC
Davis to be delivered by Dr. Ana Bajželj from UC Riverside on Thursday, May
11th at 5:10pm PT. This event will be in person and also livestreamed.

Her talk “Illness, Medicine, and Ascetic Practice: Jaina Attitudes to
Ailing Mendicants” is also part of a two-day lecture series on Religion and

We are dedicating this lecture in honor and memory of our dear friend and
colleague Paul Dundas (1952-2023). Dr. Whitney Kelting from Northeastern
University will deliver a tribute to him at 5pm PT.

Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Thank you,

Lynna Dhanani

Assistant Professor
Department of Religious Studies

University of California Davis
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