[INDOLOGY] prapañcasārasaṁgraha

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 23:32:56 UTC 2022

Dear list members,
I've been told a text called prapañcasārasaṁgraha contains several dhyana
shlokas to Dhanvantari. But I'm not clear what text is meant by
prapañcasārasaṁgraha.  I see references to this text on the internet.
But on archive.org I only see:
a) prapañcasāratantra attributed to Śaṅkarācārya
b) prapañcasārasārasaṁgraha by Gīrvāṇendra ṣarasvati

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Harry Spier
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