[INDOLOGY] Published translations of the Gāyatrī?

Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA dominik at haas.asia
Tue Nov 22 07:18:06 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues,

for my dissertation I have collected translations of the Gāyatrī-Mantra 
(the Sāvitrī, Ṛgveda 3.62.10) into English, German, and French, and I am 
keen to *add more*. If you come across a *published translation***of 
this mantra, or*if you have published one yourself*, I would be very 
grateful if you could send me a reference!

What I already have:


In brief:

Apte 1939, Basham 1959 [¹1954], Bausch 2015, Benfey 1848, Brereton & 
Jamison 2020, Caland 1921/1953, Colebrooke 1808, Dresden 1941, Dumont 
1939, Eggeling 1882, Einoo 1993, Einoo 2002, Frazer 1898, Gail 1978, 
Geldner 1951, Gonda 1963, Gonda 1975, Griffith 1899 / 1991 [¹1893], 
Hopkins 1895, Jamison & Brereton 2014, Kajihara 2019, Kane 1941, 
Kashikar 1964, Keith 1908/1914, Larios 2019 , Lipner 1994, Lubin 
1994/2018, Ludwig 1886, Mahoney 1998, Olivelle 1998/2000/2019, Pandey 
1994 [¹1969], Parpola 1998, Roebuck 2003 [¹2000], Rosenfield 2004, Roy 
1901 [¹1827], Sathaye 2015, Scharfe 2002, Schroeder 1914, Slaje 
2007/2009/2019, Slaje 2009, Slaje 2019, Smith 1986, Staal 1983, Staal 
2008, Stönner 1901, van Gelder 1963, Varenne 1960, West 2007, Wilkins 
1900, Williams 1877/1882, Wilson 1857, Witzel 2013/2018, Wurm 1874

Best regards and thank you for your time
D. Haas

*Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA*
dominik at haas.asia | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 
<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8505-6112> | academia.edu DominikAHaas 
<https://univie.academia.edu/DominikAHaas> | twitter DominikAHaas 
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DOC Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2020–2022)

The Initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies
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