[INDOLOGY] Dumézil book

Agnes Korn agnes.korn at cnrs.fr
Fri Jul 8 14:04:32 UTC 2022

Ah, I see.
Then I had a wrong impression about (and hitherto experience with other 
works on) gallica. Sorry.


Le 08.07.2022 à 15:54, Robert Leach a écrit :
> Dear Agnes (if I may),
> Yes, several people have contacted me to say the same. Perhaps it is 
> different where you are, but from where I am (in the UK) the gallica 
> site is not in fact entirely open access. Accessibility to the book in 
> question via "browsing" is limited to 32 pages, so that from p. 33 on, 
> if one starts at the beginning, the pages are blank.
> Philippe Bornet very kindly sent me pdfs, downloaded from another site 
> (cairn.info <http://cairn.info>).
> Many thanks to all,
> Robert
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 1:55 PM Agnes Korn <agnes.korn at cnrs.fr> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     I don't quite understand the problem -- the gallica site is
>     entirely open access.
>     Why is it necessary to download a file? The entire text is there
>     for browsing.
>     Best,
>     Agnes
>     Le 08.07.2022 à 13:46, Robert Leach via INDOLOGY a écrit :
>>     Dear Philippe,
>>     Again, thank you! I'm very grateful for your help, and reluctant
>>     to keep pestering you... Unfortunately, however, for me at least,
>>     the same applies on the cairn.info <http://cairn.info> website -
>>     I can only download chapters for a fee, even when I log into my
>>     University of Zurich account to make the attempt.
>>     Not to worry, I can survive without it!
>>     Many thanks and best wishes,
>>     Robert
>>     On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 11:55 AM Philippe Bornet
>>     <philippe.bornet at unil.ch> wrote:
>>         Dear Robert (if I may),
>>         My bad, you are right! It is actually available in its
>>         entirety on this other repository (both in html + pdf / it
>>         can be downloaded, but chapter by chapter):
>>         https://www.cairn.info/le-probleme-des-centaures--9782402522281.htm .
>>         Hopefully it works this time.
>>         All the best,
>>         Philippe
>>>         Le 8 juil. 2022 à 12:12, Robert Leach
>>>         <racleach at googlemail.com> a écrit :
>>>         Dear Philippe (if I may),
>>>         Thank you very much indeed for this pointer, but I was
>>>         rather hoping not to have to pay as I don't want to read the
>>>         whole book, merely to check something, and I don't see a way
>>>         of accessing this pdf here (for example, through my library)
>>>         other than by paying. But perhaps I am missing something?
>>>         My best wishes,
>>>         Robert
>>>         On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 10:36 AM Philippe Bornet
>>>         <philippe.bornet at unil.ch> wrote:
>>>             Hi there,
>>>             The text is available here, on a great French repository
>>>             of digital works:
>>>             https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k3340292b.texteImage
>>>             With kind regards,
>>>             Ph. Bornet
>>>>             Le 8 juil. 2022 à 11:16, Robert Leach via INDOLOGY
>>>>             <INDOLOGY at list.indology.info> a écrit :
>>>>             Dear colleagues,
>>>>             I don't suppose anyone has a pdf of G. Dumézil's 1929 book
>>>>             /Le Problème des Centaures. Étude de mythologie
>>>>             comparée Indo-Européene/
>>>>             /
>>>>             /
>>>>             that they're willing to share?
>>>>             Many of his books are available on archive.org
>>>>             <http://archive.org/>, but not this one it seems. I'd
>>>>             be very grateful if anyone can help.
>>>>             Many thanks!
>>>>             Robert
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