[INDOLOGY] hyenas

Martin Straube straubem at staff.uni-marburg.de
Wed Jul 6 15:05:51 UTC 2022

Dear Péter,

both words seem to be attested by Indian lexicographers only. As to  
depictions: Alexandra van der Geer, "Animals in Stone. Indian Mammals  
Sculptured Through Time", Leiden 2008, p. 427, mentions that the  
stripped hyena is totally absent from stone sculpture. So, I would be  
very interested too in any descriptions or depictions of this  
conspicuous scavenger.

With best wishes

Martin Straube
Research Fellow in Pali Lexicography
The Pali Text Society

Zitat von Péter Száler via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>:

> Dear List members,
> Can anyone point me to sources that describe hyenas (tarakṣu) in detail or
> contain the word yuyukkhura/kṣudravyāghra? Are there any studies about the
> depictions of striped hyenas?
> Kind regards,
> Péter Száler

Research Fellow in Pali Lexicography
The Pali Text Society

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