[INDOLOGY] Earliest epigraphical attestations of Telugu kōyila, kōvela 'temple'

Suresh Kolichala suresh.kolichala at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 19:38:27 UTC 2022

I agree with Jens that *guḍi* is more common in inscriptional Telugu than
*kōvil(a)* or *kōyil(a) (*one instance of *kōyilamu* vs more than 10
instances of *guḍi *and its various forms of inflection*)*. Do we assume
the usage of  *kōvila/kōyila *for 'temple' is possibly a result of
influence from Tamil or Karnataka areas?

I agree with Chandra that *kōyilamu* is unlikely to be a personal name
given a clear neuter gender marker -*mu*.

Looks like Kannada has older instances of usage of *kōvil(a/u/e) and*


On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 2:03 PM Periannan Chandrasekaran via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Thank you so much for the discussion and for the data that " the word
> guḍi is normally used for 'temple' in the early Telugu inscriptions."
> However as for the meaning of kōyilamu in the inscription I referred to,
> Budaraju asserts on page 292
> <https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.493129/page/291/mode/2up?view=theater>
> that it means 'Temple' and is a variant of kōyila, kōvela.
> [image: image.png]
> Regards
> Periannan Chandrasekaran
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:06 AM Jens Thomas <jens.c.thomas at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Periannan Chandrasekaran,
>> the word guḍi is normally used for 'temple' in the early Telugu
>> inscriptions.
>> K. M. Sastri (Historical Grammar of Telugu, p. 68) refers to SII X, 709
>> (kōyilala) but the text has kayilala (~ kavilala 'cows'), so it is probably
>> a misprint.
>> The inscription that you refer to (e. g. IA 13, pp. 50-55) has
>> peddakōyilamu 'old temple' but it occurs in the delineation of a grant and
>> may hence rather be an individual name.
>> Apart from that I am not aware of another early inscription that has the
>> words kōyila or kōvela. If I happen to come accross another instance I will
>> let you know.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jens
>> Am Fr., 7. Jan. 2022 um 23:32 Uhr schrieb Periannan Chandrasekaran via
>> INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>:
>>> Dear Indology members
>>>    - I am looking for the earliest epigraphical attestations of Telugu
>>>    *kōyila*, *kōvela *'temple' which DEDR lists.
>>>    - DEDR has left out the form *kōyilamu *attested in an early 10th
>>>    century inscription (p.186)
>>>    <https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.493129/page/185/mode/2up?view=theater>
>>>    .
>>>    - The same DEDR entry has interestingly no cognate Kannada words. Is
>>>    this still true?
>>> Regards
>>> Periannan Chandrasekaran
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>> Jens Christian Thomas, M. A.
>> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
>> Invalidenstr. 118
>> D-10115 Berlin
>> DHARMA Project <https://dharma.hypotheses.org/> (ERC Synergy Grant)
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