[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit Reader

Antonia Ruppel rhododaktylos at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 20:08:03 UTC 2022

Dear all,

My Sanskrit Reader, on which many of you kindly gave me advice and several
helped with proof-reading and test-driving, is finally available:


It actually was published in November, but there were various distribution
hiccups in the initial weeks – hence this late announcement.

This is not the Reader that gives an overview of Sanskrit literary genres
(that one is still in the works!), but the one meant to give late
beginning/early intermediate students the stamina to read longer Sanskrit
– Each page has text (in an actually legible font size:-)), vocab, grammar
help and plenty of space for the student's own notes.
– The appendices contain transliterations and fairly literal translations
of all texts, as well as a 900-word study vocabulary (with online flash
cards freely available on Brainscape).
– The introduction offers an overview of syntactic topics lower
intermediate students often struggle with, as well as a summary of word
formation processes and compounding.
– The featured texts are 1) Hitopadeśa, 2) Vikramacarita, 3) Rāmāyaṇa, 4)
Kathāsaritsāgara, 5) a longer episode from the Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha, 6)
a selection of around 130 subhāṣitas selected from Boehtlingk's Indische

If you're interested, here's a brief video I made introducing the Reader:

Questions, comments, suggestions on anything I can do better: please simply
contact me!

All my best,

Dr Antonia Ruppel FRAS
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie, LMU
Researcher on the 'Uncovering Sanskrit Syntax' Project, University of Oxford
The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit: cambridge-sanskrit.org
An Introductory Sanskrit Reader: brill.com/sanskrit
The Sanskrit Studies Podcast: sanskritstudiespodcast.com
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