[INDOLOGY] Protest against cutback plans at the University of Halle
Jonathan Silk
kauzeya at gmail.com
Mon May 31 12:59:27 UTC 2021
Dear Walter
Probably I am just missing it, but before signing I wanted to read the
actual petition, but following the link while I found a page to sign, I
could not find the actual petition --what am i missing? every button I push
gets me back to the same page, with the signature submission but no
petition (that I can see anyway)
I send this to the list since it is possible that I am not the only one
with this experience.
On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 11:06 AM Walter Slaje via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I would like to bring the following news to the attention of those of you,
> who have a stake in the continued existence of Indian Studies in Germany:
> A few days ago, the rectorate of the University of Halle adopted -
> completely unexpectedly - a cutback plan to eliminate a whole number of
> departments. Among them is the study of India in both its historical and
> contemporary aspects. Two professorships for these areas had already been
> released for re-filling. The announcement for the two positions was
> expected this summer semester.
> There is a massive protest inside and outside the university against the
> planned permanent closure of, among others, the programs in Greek, Latin,
> Indology, Japanese Studies, South Asian Languages and Cultures, Near
> Eastern Archaeology, Political Sciences as well as the Department of
> Classics and the Department of Sports Science.
> If you would like to join the protest and support the process of filling
> the vacancies, please sign the petition below of the Student Council of the
> Faculty of Humanities. Already on Wednesday this week the Academic Senate
> will discuss this decision of the Rectorate. There is therefore a certain
> urgency in this matter.
> Yours sincerely,
> Walter Slaje
> https://hallespektrum.de/nachrichten/bildung/protest-gegen-kuerzungsplaene-an-der-uni-halle-fachschaft-ruft-zu-demo-auf-und-startet-petition/399781/
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J. Silk
Leiden University
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Room 0.05b
2311 BZ Leiden
The Netherlands
website: www.OpenPhilology.eu
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