Dear Walter

Probably I am just missing it, but before signing I wanted to read the actual petition, but following the link while I found a page to sign, I could not find the actual petition --what am i missing? every button I push gets me back to the same page, with the signature submission but no petition (that I can see anyway)

I send this to the list since it is possible that I am not the only one with this experience.


On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 11:06 AM Walter Slaje via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring the following news to the attention of those of you, who have a stake in the continued existence of Indian Studies in Germany:

A few days ago, the rectorate of the University of Halle adopted - completely unexpectedly - a cutback plan to eliminate a whole number of departments. Among them is the study of India in both its historical and contemporary aspects.  Two professorships for these areas had already been released for re-filling. The announcement for the two positions was expected this summer semester.

There is a massive protest inside and outside the university against the planned permanent closure of, among others, the programs in Greek, Latin, Indology, Japanese Studies, South Asian Languages and Cultures, Near Eastern Archaeology, Political Sciences as well as the Department of Classics and the Department of Sports Science.

If you would like to join the protest and support the process of filling the vacancies, please sign the petition below of the Student Council of the Faculty of Humanities. Already on Wednesday this week the Academic Senate will discuss this decision of the Rectorate. There is therefore a certain urgency in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Walter Slaje

INDOLOGY mailing list

J. Silk
Leiden University
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
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The Netherlands

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