[INDOLOGY] Stahl of the Société Asiatique
Rosane Rocher
rrocher at sas.upenn.edu
Mon May 3 21:02:51 UTC 2021
Dear friends,
Many thanks to all those who answered my query on and off list. You are
wonderful colleagues and an amazing group.
I am tempted to impute Stahl's avoidance of even initials to the need he
would have had to choose between two languages in what was a politically
thorny situation.
In gratitude and with best wishes,
> Dear Prof. Rocher,
> As far as I can ascertain, "Monsieur Stahl" is Charles-Auguste Stahl
> (see p. 52, point 6 here:
> http://real-j.mtak.hu/5450/1/CsomaKorosiBulletin_1984-1988.pdf
> <http://real-j.mtak.hu/5450/1/CsomaKorosiBulletin_1984-1988.pdf>). A
> different source
> (https://archive.org/details/lafacultdeth00gruoft/page/154/mode/2up
> <https://archive.org/details/lafacultdeth00gruoft/page/154/mode/2up>,
> pp. 154-155) gives his date of birth as 1799 along with very
> interesting biographical details, butno date of death.
> Wishing you good luck in your inquiries and seizing the occasion to
> express my admiration for your work,
> /namaskaromi/,
> Diego
> On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 10:23 AM Rosane Rocher via INDOLOGY
> <indology at list.indology.info <mailto:indology at list.indology.info>> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Might any of you know the first name and lifespan of "Stahl," who
> succeeded Eugène Burnouf as secretary of the Société Asiatique de
> Paris? He seems always to have signed just "Stahl," and
> references to him seem to be only to "M[onsieur] Stahl." He was a
> very active member of the Société Asiatique, but Raymond Schwab
> does not mention him in /La Renaissance Orientale.
> /
> I would be grateful for any pointers,
> Rosane Rocher
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