[INDOLOGY] Stahl of the Société Asiatique

DIEGO LOUKOTA SANCLEMENTE diegoloukota at ucla.edu
Mon May 3 18:33:50 UTC 2021

  Dear Prof. Rocher,

  As far as I can ascertain, "Monsieur Stahl" is Charles-Auguste Stahl (see
p. 52, point 6 here:
http://real-j.mtak.hu/5450/1/CsomaKorosiBulletin_1984-1988.pdf). A
different source (
https://archive.org/details/lafacultdeth00gruoft/page/154/mode/2up, pp.
154-155) gives his date of birth as 1799 along with very interesting
biographical details, but no date of death.
  Wishing you good luck in your inquiries and seizing the occasion to
express my admiration for your work,



On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 10:23 AM Rosane Rocher via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> Might any of you know the first name and lifespan of "Stahl," who
> succeeded Eugène Burnouf as secretary of the Société Asiatique de Paris?
> He seems always to have signed just "Stahl," and references to him seem to
> be only to "M[onsieur] Stahl." He was a very active member of the Société
> Asiatique, but Raymond Schwab does not mention him in
> *La Renaissance Orientale. *
> I would be grateful for any pointers,
> Rosane Rocher
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