[INDOLOGY] Where can you do a BA in Sanskrit?

Antonia Ruppel rhododaktylos at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 15:37:56 UTC 2021

Dear Dominik,

Thank you for starting this thread, which I've been following with great

May I ask, though, what the rationale behind your question is? A degree
focussing only on Sanskrit language and Sanskrit literature (even though
obviously we all agree that 'only' Sanskrit language and literature offer
enough material to keep a learner busy their entire life) does not strike
me as particularly useful: lectures/classes on literatures, philosophies,
religions, cultures, histor(y/ies) are what allow us to understand the
contexts in which we should (and probably need to) read the texts we then
choose to focus on in dedicated classes.

How would a student know which texts to take courses on if they don't
already have background knowledge of the world(s) within which those texts
came to be? Would those contexts then be introduced in each individual
reading class?

Or perhaps differently put: if you think that a 'pure' Sanskrit
undergraduate course might be more fruitful than the kinds of degrees
mentioned in this thread (and I don't know if you think that, of course),
what would your ideal BA in Sanskrit look like? What requirements would
it have?

All my best,

On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 at 22:39, Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> What universities offer a BA in the Sanskrit language?
>    - Oxford (link
>    <https://www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-languages-cultures/asian-studies/sanskrit/undergraduate-study>
>    )
>    - [add yours here]
> I do mean a BA devoted specifically to Sanskrit language and literature,
> not courses where it is a component, like area studies, South Asian
> civilization, etc.
> Best,
> Dominik
> --
> Professor Dominik Wujastyk
> <https://apps.ualberta.ca/directory/person/wujastyk>
> ,
> Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity
> ,
> Department of History and Classics
> <http://historyandclassics.ualberta.ca/>
> ,
> University of Alberta, Canada
> .
> South Asia at the U of A:
> sas.ualberta.ca
> SSHRC research: The Suśruta Project <http://sushrutaproject.org>
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