[INDOLOGY] Journal of Hindu Studies 13.3

J M jmmadaio at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 09:39:12 UTC 2021

Dear colleagues,

Apologies for cross-posting.

The latest issue (13.3) of the Journal of Hindu Studies was recently
published. Please find the table of contents below.

The Journal of Hindu Studies welcomes open submission of articles on all
themes, at all times. Successful articles can potentially be published
online in our advance articles section within 4-6 months of submission.

JOURNAL OF HINDU STUDIES 13.3  <https://academic.oup.com/jhs/issue/13/3>


Commands and the Doctrine of the Apūrva in Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā
-Patrick T Cummins

The Concept of Mind in Hindu Tantrism
-Gavin Flood

The Vernacular Pulse of Sanskrit: Metre and More in Songs of the
Gītagovinda and Bhāgavata Purāṇa
-Heidi Pauwels

The End of the Pāṇḍavas’ Year in Disguise
-Simon Brodbeck

Bigness, Brilliance, the Buddhi, and the Brāhmaṇya Yoked-Up King
-Matthew Robertson


Unforgetting Chaitanya: Vaishnavism and Cultures of Devotion in Colonial
Bengal. By Varuni Bhatia
- Lucian Wong

The Journal of Hindu Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by Oxford
University Press. It is committed to a critical approach to the broad area
of research surrounding the study of Hindu and related cultures. The
Journal aims to provide a forum for peer-reviewed articles on topics
spanning relevant disciplines, regions, and periods of history. For
subscriptions, see:
Recommend the Journal of Hindu Studies to your institution's library:

Best wishes,

James Madaio
Dr. James Madaio
Fellow, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
Associate Editor, Journal of Hindu Studies (Oxford University Press)
Regional Editor (Indic traditions), Bloomsbury Introductions to World
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