[INDOLOGY] The Sanskrit Library offers courses

Peter Scharf scharfpm7 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 16:45:58 UTC 2020

Dear Colleagues,
	The Sanskrit Library would like to announce that it is beginning to offer courses in Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature on-line.  We will be offering courses of two types: continuing education courses for casual learning consisting of ten one-hour lessons once a week for ten weeks, and university equivalent courses which expect student homework consisting of a few hours per week for fifteen weeks.  I will begin teaching a first-year Sanskrit course on 11 September, and Assistant Professor Tanuja Ajotikar will begin teaching an introduction to the Paninian tradition as a casual learning course on 12 September.  I include here descriptions of these two courses; click the Syllabus link for more detail; click the Register link to register.  We plan to offer a dozen courses over the next year which are described in detail on the courses page of the Sanskrit Library website.  Please share the news and the link below with anyone and everyone you think might be interested.

 https://www.sanskritlibrary.org/courses.html <https://www.sanskritlibrary.org/courses.html>

Introduction to the Pāṇinian tradition.
This course offers an overview of the architecture of Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī as well as an introduction to the whole Indian grammatical tradition. The Aṣṭādhyāyī, a fairly complete generative grammar of Sanskrit composed by the 4th century BCE, is considered one of the greatest works of human intelligence. The main aim of the course is to introduce the structure of the Aṣṭādhyāyī and richness of the Indian linguistic tradition to those who are not Sanskrit scholars but are curious to know about scientific literature in Sanskrit.
Instructor: Tanuja P. Ajotikar <http://localhost:8080/slx/cv/profiletanu.html>.
Schedule: 12 September – 14 November 2020.
Course meeting times: Saturday 9:30-10:30am U.S. Central Time (IST 8:00-9:00pm/9pm-10:00pm after 1 November 2020 when CST changes to CDT).
Course fee: $300.
Syllabus <https://www.sanskritlibrary.org/courses/paniniantrad.html>.
Register. <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiNVeja-k5GlCK8DNP1Vik8IwO4ngoxBcrAkQCnjaTtl6BMw/viewform>
Introductory Sanskrit I.
This course aims to provide a linguistically rich study of the world's most fascinating language equivalent to a first semester university course. Exercises introduce the extensive literature, profound philosophy and rich mythology of ancient India which has and continues to influence over a quarter of the world’s population today. After introducing the Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit phonology, the course surveys the intricate and highly organized structure of the grammar with the aim of enabling a student to begin reading original materials in the second semester. Readings in the first semester are adapted from Sanskrit literature.
Instructor: Peter M. Scharf <http://localhost:8080/slx/cv/profile.html>
Schedule: 11 September – 23 December 2020.
Course meeting times: Tuesday and Friday 9:30-10:30am U.S. Central Time (IST 8:00-9:00pm/9pm-10:00pm after 1 November 2020 when CST changes to CDT).
Course fee: $2,500.
Syllabus <https://www.sanskritlibrary.org/courses/us101.html>.
Register. <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnlTATn8IaSLnUpbo-d6RwY7fimW8Dfs_XTHO2gt2trx7aZA/viewform>


Peter M. Scharf, President
The Sanskrit Library
scharf at sanskritlibrary.org <mailto:scharf at sanskritlibrary.org>
https://sanskritlibrary.org <https://sanskritlibrary.org/>

Peter Scharf
scharfpm7 at gmail.com

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