[INDOLOGY] Need assistance

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Thu Sep 3 15:33:32 UTC 2020

Thanks, Christophe.  Will see if I can find this publication online.


Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 8:17 AM Christophe Vielle <
christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be> wrote:

> Panduronga S. S. Pissurlencar, "A propósito dos primeiros livros maratas
> impressos em Goa", *Boletim di Instituto da Gama* 73, 1956, p. 55-79 (
> http://memoria-africa.ua.pt/Library/ShowImage.aspx?q=/BIVG/BIVG-N073&p=1
> ), refers to Jesuit manuscripts from Goa preserved at the Library of Braga
> (Portugal), dated to the end of the 16th century, with texts in Konkani
> and Marathi languages (in approximative Roman transcription); among the
> ones in Marathi, there would be a *Bhagavadgītā-ṭīkā* (
> *Bhagavata-Guitechi-tticá*, ff° 209-233v) by one Nivr̥tti-deva (
> *Nivriti-deva*) — see p. 62 (but different reading of the same manuscript
> by L. A. Rodrigues, "Glimpses of the Konkani language at the turn of the
> sixteenth century, XIII: Ramayana and Mahabharata", *Boletim do Instituto
> Menezes Bragança *163, 1991, p. 43-72,
> https://issuu.com/redmackerel/docs/glimpses_-_xiv    t, p. 65)*.*
> This Nivr̥ttideva could correspond to Nivr̥ttinātha the elder brother and
> guru of  Jñāneśvara.
> As for the latter, according to Antonio Rigopoulos in *Datt**ātreya. The
> immortal Guru, Yogin, and Avatara* (State University of NY 1998; Sri
> Satguru Publ. 2000), p. 99:
>  "According to tradition, Jñāndev was initiated into the Nātha sect by his
> elder brother Nivr̥tti, a disciple of Gahinīnāth, said to be the third or
> fourth in the Marāṭhī *nav-n**āth *lineage. Gahinīnāth and Gorakhnāth –
> to whom the *Viveka-darpaṇa* and the *Gorakha-**gītā *are attributed –
> are considered to be the founders of mystical literature in Marāṭhī that
> was subsequently taken up by Jñāndev."
> (Rigopoulos deals also with the connections of Dattātreya's cult
> with Kashmir Shaivism in several places, e.g. pp. 171-172; there could be
> also things thereabout in Christian Bouy, *Les Nātha-yogin et les
> Upaniṣads: étude d'histoire de la littérature hindoue*,  Paris, 1994,
> Publications e l'Institut de civilisation indienne, 62).
> Le 3 sept. 2020 à 16:05, Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> a écrit :
> I have joined a Marathi group here in the Bay Area that plans to read
> Jñāneśvara's Amr̥tānubhava.  The very first verse salutes Nivr̥ttinātha as
> his Guru.  I have tried to locate compositions of Nivr̥ttinātha himself,
> without any success so far.  I would appreciate any help on sources, and
> also on the connection of Nivr̥ttinātha to the Nātha tradition, and the
> connection of the Nātha tradition to Kashmiri Shavism.  With best wishes,
> Madhav M. Deshpande
> Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
> Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies
> [Residence: Campbell, California, USA]
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> Christophe Vielle <https://uclouvain.be/en/directories/christophe.vielle>
> Louvain-la-Neuve

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