[INDOLOGY] Position at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Manjushree Hegde manjushree42 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 03:08:57 UTC 2020

The Department of Amrita Darshanam (ICSS), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
invites applications for full-time positions in Indian Philosophy and
Culture Studies, to begin June, 2020.

Teaching responsibilities will include offerings at the undergraduate and
graduate levels. Undergraduate offerings will include general courses on
India studies. At the graduate level, offerings will include courses on
specific themes or texts and in-depth text-reading classes in the
applicant’s area of specialization.

Applicants must demonstrate a strong record of research and teaching in
their fields, and must have a PhD by the date of appointment.

Applications, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of
research and teaching interests, and letters of recommendation, should be
submitted electronically to  *hr at am.amrita.edu
<hr at am.amrita.edu>/prasanth at am.amrita.edu <prasanth at am.amrita.edu> by* *31
March 2020*.

For more information, visit: https://www.amrita.edu/jobs

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