[INDOLOGY] Passing Away of Prof. Dr. Chlodwig Werba!
Jan E.M. Houben
jemhouben at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 18:06:44 UTC 2019
found the following list online on the university website without
indication that he passed away...
On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 16:34, Jan E.M. Houben <jemhouben at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Dr. Chakrabarti,
> I am very sad to be informed about the premature passing away of Prof.
> Chlodwig Werba, author of numerous articles in the domain of Vedic
> (including on "prakritic wordforms in the Rgvedasamhita)
> and Indo-european studies and especially of "Werba's Verba Indoiranica,
> Part I".
> He used to sanskritize his name as Śruta-vega and write brief sentences in
> Sanskrit -- for instance the dedication in the copy of his Verba
> Indoiranica which he sent me in 1997/98 -- long before courses in spoken
> and functional Sanskrit became fashionable.
> Is there anywhere a list of his publications available online?
> Condolences to his family, colleagues, friends and students.
> Jan Houben
> *** *** ***
> on p. ix of his Verba Indoiranica Chlodwig Werba quotes (I intentionally
> use the present tense here)
> a stanza in the Kathāmukha of the Pañcatantra
> anantapāraṁ kila śabdaśāstraṁ
> svalpaṁ tathāyur bahavaś ca vighnāḥ /
> sāraṁ tato grāhyam apāsya phalgu
> haṁsair yathā kṣīram ivāmbumadhyāt //
> For this he gives a liberal and metrical translation into English:
> Since verbal science has no final end ;
> since life is short, and obstacles impend,
> let central facts be picked and firmly fixed,
> as swans extract the milk with water mixed !
> *** *** ***
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 08:29, Dr. Debabrata Chakrabarti via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> I am sorry to inform the learned circle that my friend Prof. Dr. Chlodwig
>> Werba of the South Asian Institute of Indoloy & Tibetan Studies in Vienna
>> has died a premature death on 25 January 2019. We miss not only an
>> outstanding scholar of Indology, but a man of intense feeling and a heart
>> full of humour. May he attain Sadgati.
>> Photo Courtesy: Edgar Leitan
>> ???This body is like a musical instrument; what you hear depends upon
>> how you play it.??? ??? Anandamayi Ma
>> ???Inside every human being there exists a special heaven, whole and
>> unbroken.??? - Paracelsus
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> --
> *Jan E.M. Houben*
> Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology
> *Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite*
> École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL - Université Paris)
> *Sciences historiques et philologiques *
> 54, rue Saint-Jacques, CS 20525 – 75005 Paris
> *johannes.houben at ephe.sorbonne.fr <johannes.houben at ephe.sorbonne.fr>*
> *johannes.houben at ephe.psl.eu <johannes.houben at ephe.psl.eu>*
> *https://ephe-sorbonne.academia.edu/JanEMHouben
> <https://ephe-sorbonne.academia.edu/JanEMHouben>*
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