[INDOLOGY] first Sanskrit inscription ever published?

Richard G. Salomon rsalomon at uw.edu
Thu Feb 14 17:49:44 UTC 2019

Hi Arlo,

According to my Indian Epigraphy book, pp. 200ff,  the earliest
"publication" -- in some sense of the term, in this case consisting only of
a translation -- of a Sanskrit inscription was by Charles Wilkins in
1788.The earliest full publication, including facsimile and transliterated
text, was by Henry Colebrook in 1801. At least, these were the earliest
publications that I was able to find.


On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 10:24 PM Arlo Griffiths via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> Does anyhow know a modern scholarly publication of a Sanskrit inscription
> older than the one that can be found here in the following?
> John Crawfurd, An Inscription from the Kawi or Ancient Javanese Language,
> Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap der Kunsten en Wetenschappen
> 8, 1816, Batavia: Government Press.
> The volume of the *Verhandelingen* in question can be found on archive.org.
> The title is misleading, and the decipherment utterly unreliable, but the
> transcription clearly reflects the Sanskrit-text of the 'Calcutta Stone' (
> https://iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/kolkata-calcutta-stone-bicentennial-british-interregnum-java-1811-1816).
> It occurred to me recently that this publication might mark the beginning
> of Sanskrit epigraphy as a modern scholarly enterprise. But perhaps there
> is competition from publications by British officers who were posted in
> India proper rather than in 'Farther India'. Please enlighten me.
> Best wishes,
> Arlo Griffiths
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