Re: [INDOLOGY] Verse from Kāvyalaṁkāra of Rudraṭa

Harry Spier hspier.muktabodha at
Sun Aug 11 02:34:35 UTC 2019

Dear list members,

I now have the quote (I posted too quickly).  Sheldon Pollock gives it on
the next page.
Harry Spier

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 10:29 PM Harry Spier <hspier.muktabodha at>

> Dear list members,
> Sheldon Pollock in his book  "A Rasa Reader" (page 85) comments on and
> paraphrases a statement from the  Kāvyalaṁkāra of Rudraṭa .  "Perhaps
> Rudrata's most important contribution is the independence he shows in
> challenging Bharata's traditional list: since any emotion can be "tasted",
> the number of rasas is, he says, in principle limitless".
> Can any list member give me the actual sanskrit verse (and verse number)
> from Rudrata.
> Thanks,
> Harry Spier

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