[INDOLOGY] Mbh stratification

Joydeep jbagchee at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 17:56:11 UTC 2018

Can you share a pre-print version of your paper, Oliver? I’m interested in
the developmental hypotheses you propose for these findings. When you write
“not too far away from some outcomes of philological research” I presume
you mean von Simson (1968/1969) (cited in your 2017 paper). But even if
your results are close, it cannot vindicate von Simson’s work as
“philological research.” It only demonstrates the failure of
text-historical philology as it unfolded from Lassen to von Simson, since a
a different science and technology, i.e., computer science and information
technology, was required. The success of psychopharmacology does not
vindicate phrenology as a science. Results acquired through prejudice,
chance, or ideology are not scientific results, and the development of a
posterior science cannot confer scientificity on them. Finally, we cannot
referee past Mahābhārata scholarship without attention to its historical
context. Here I recommend looking at *The Nay Science*for von Simson’s
reliance on Holtzmann’s “inversion hypothesis” and on Lassen’s thesis of a
war epic before its “Brahmanic” corruption. I have uploaded the section
here: http://www.academia.edu/37681318. Also, to bring this discussion,
which Jan Houben began, full circle, see this link for Irawati Karve:
http://manufacturingrace.org/3-researchers. We simply cannot go forward
with philology unless we acknowledge the problems with previous scholarship.

Dr. Joydeep Bagchee
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Academia.edu Homepage <https://fu-berlin.academia.edu/JoydeepBagchee>

The Nay Science
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On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 4:45 AM Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear all,
> just a short PS for the Mbh stratification thread (Andrew, Joydeep and
> others): A follow-up paper to appear in 2019 (neural networks digesting
> all kinds of linguistic features and making temporal predictions based
> on them) seems to suggest that we can distinguish temporal strata in the
> Mbh. A detail study of the Bhishmaparvan produces results that are not
> too far away from some outcomes of philological research:
>   * BhG + the introductory chapters of Book 6: first few centuries CE
> (rather 200 CE++)
>   * Battle passages quite constantly placed in the centuries BCE
> Best, Oliver
> ---
> Oliver Hellwig, SFB 991 Düsseldorf, IVS Zürich
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