Can you share a pre-print version of your paper, Oliver? I’m interested in the developmental hypotheses you propose for these findings. When you write “not too far away from some outcomes of philological research” I presume you mean von Simson (1968/1969) (cited in your 2017 paper). But even if your results are close, it cannot vindicate von Simson’s work as “philological research.” It only demonstrates the failure of text-historical philology as it unfolded from Lassen to von Simson, since a a different science and technology, i.e., computer science and information technology, was required. The success of psychopharmacology does not vindicate phrenology as a science. Results acquired through prejudice, chance, or ideology are not scientific results, and the development of a posterior science cannot confer scientificity on them. Finally, we cannot referee past Mahābhārata scholarship without attention to its historical context. Here I recommend looking at The Nay Sciencefor von Simson’s reliance on Holtzmann’s “inversion hypothesis” and on Lassen’s thesis of a war epic before its “Brahmanic” corruption. I have uploaded the section here: Also, to bring this discussion, which Jan Houben began, full circle, see this link for Irawati Karve: We simply cannot go forward with philology unless we acknowledge the problems with previous scholarship.

Dr. Joydeep Bagchee
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
What, then, is Philosophy?
Philosophy is the supremely precious.

Plotinus, Enneads I.III.5

On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 4:45 AM Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear all,

just a short PS for the Mbh stratification thread (Andrew, Joydeep and
others): A follow-up paper to appear in 2019 (neural networks digesting
all kinds of linguistic features and making temporal predictions based
on them) seems to suggest that we can distinguish temporal strata in the
Mbh. A detail study of the Bhishmaparvan produces results that are not
too far away from some outcomes of philological research:
  * BhG + the introductory chapters of Book 6: first few centuries CE
(rather 200 CE++)
  * Battle passages quite constantly placed in the centuries BCE

Best, Oliver

Oliver Hellwig, SFB 991 Düsseldorf, IVS Zürich

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