[INDOLOGY] More Krishna verses
Madhav Deshpande
mmdesh at umich.edu
Thu May 3 04:36:32 UTC 2018
Continuing with Krishna verses. [Just can't seem to stop]
अस्ति नास्तीति गोविन्द विवदन्तां कुतार्किका: ।
त्वन्माधुर्यरसज्ञानां किं तर्केण प्रयोजनम् ।।
O Govinda, let the evil logicians debate whether you exist or do not exist.
What is the purpose with logic for those who know the nectar of your
अस्तीति यदि तर्कस्ते दोषस्ते सिद्धसाधनम् ।
नास्तीति यदि तर्कस्ते सिद्धस्यासाधनं कुत: ।।
[O Logician,] if your inference is that God does exist, they your fault is
that you have proven what is already established. If your inference is that
God does not exist, how can you disprove what is already established?
यदि वेणुध्वनि: कर्णे कुतस्तर्के परिश्रम: ।
हृदये यदि गोविन्द: किं त्वं तर्केण विन्दसि ।।
If the sound of the flute [of Kr̥ṣṇa] reaches your ears, what is the point
of exertion in logic? If Govinda is in your heart, what would you gain with
दधिचौरं कथं तर्कश्चोरयेद्यमुनातटात् ।
यशोदया सुबद्धं तं तर्को निर्बन्धयेत् कथम् ।।
How can logic steal away the Stealer of Yoghurt [= Kr̥ṣṇa] from the banks
of Yamunā? How can logic free him from the good bonds of [his mother]
निरस्ता पूतना येन स बिभेति न तार्किकात् ।
तव तर्कस्य शमने समर्थो मधुसूदन: ।।
The killer of [the demoness] Pūtanā is not scared of the logician. The
Pacifier of [the demon] Madhu is capable of pacifying your logic.
रे रे तार्किक मन्दस्त्वं गोविन्दात् किं पलायसे ।
तमसिद्धं साधयते सिद्धिं तेऽसौ प्रदास्यति ।।
O you Logician, you are so dumb. Why are you running away from Govinda?
While you are trying to prove his non-existence, he will offer you success.
रे रे तार्किक मा भैषीरेकदा गच्छ गोकुलम् ।
तत्र कश्चिन्महाचौरस्तर्कं ते चोरयिष्यति ।।
O Logician, don’t be scared. Just once visit Gokula. The Great Thief over
there will steal away your logic.
योऽसिद्ध इति वक्षि त्वं तं निरीक्षस्व गोकुले ।
बलीयान् स्यात् कथं तर्कस्तव प्रत्यक्षदर्शनात् ।।
The one you are trying to prove to be non-existent, you can observe him in
Gokula. How can your logic be stronger than your direct vision.
यदि तर्काभिमानित्वाद् गमने न प्रवर्तसे ।
दयार्द्रो माधव: प्रेम्णा स्वयं दास्यति दर्शनम् ।।
Due to your strong pride in logic, if you are not inclined to go [to
Gokula], the kind-hearted Mādhava himself will grant you a vision with love.
अचक्षुरिव चक्षुष्मानश्रोत्र इव कर्णवान् ।
स्पृशन्नपि स्पर्शहीनो मन्दभाग्योऽसि तार्किक ।।
Like a person with eyes who acts like a blind, like a person with ears who
acts like a deaf, and a person, though touching, does not feel the touch, O
Logician, you are out of luck.
गच्छ त्वं यत्र कुत्रापि साधयन् यद्यदिच्छसि ।
विमोक्तुं तर्कसर्पात्त्वां स्वयं यास्यति माधव: ।।
Go wherever you wish trying to prove whatever you want. Mādhava will go on
his own to free you from the snake of logic.
तर्काशीविषसंदृब्धा मूर्छिता विदुषां मति: ।
गायन्ती गीतगोविन्दं लभते जीवितं पुन: ।।
The mind of the learned people deeply infused with the poison of logic
regains life by singing the songs of Govinda.
अप्रतिष्ठिततर्केषु विश्वासं कुरु मा सखे ।
विश्वरूप: शिशुर्भूत्वा गोकुले सुप्रतिष्ठित: ।।
O friend, do not place your trust in unfounded logic. The Cosmic Lord,
having assumed the form of a child, is well-established in Gokula.
न तारयति तर्कस्त्वां यद्यपि त्वं सुतार्किक: ।
कुतार्किकस्य का वार्ता कुतर्कस्तारयेत् कथम् ।।
Even if you were a good logician, your logic does not save you. What then
to speak of a bad logician? How can bad logic save him?
आस्तां तार्किक तर्कस्ते करोतु मतिरञ्जनम् ।
रोह कृष्णतरीं क्षिप्रं रक्षात्मानं मतिभ्रमात् ।।
Set aside your logic, O Logician. Let your logic entertain your mind. [But]
board the boat of Kr̥ṣṇa, and save yourself from the delusion of your mind.
नैषा तर्केण नेया ते मति: परतरे हरौ ।
हरिर्हरतु ते मायातिमिरं नयने स्थितम् ।।
In reference to Lord Kr̥ṣṇa who is beyond [logic], your mind should not be
lead by logic. Let Kr̥ṣṇa remove the darkness of delusion that has settled
in your eye.
Madhav Deshpande
Campbell, California
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