[INDOLOGY] Rationality and epistemology in Advaita-Vedaanta

Karl-Stephan Bouthillette karl-stephan.bouthillette.1 at ulaval.ca
Wed Jan 24 20:56:06 UTC 2018

Dear colleagues,

Recently, I had written on this forum to request your help to find relevant publications on the historical developments of rationality and epistemology in Jainism.
Many of you kindly replied to me in private and the help provided was much appreciated. I am thankful for that.

I would like to repeat the same process, but now with Advaita-Vedaanta.

I am particularly seeking information about:

1. the role and function of dialectic and epistemology within Sankara's soteriology or within the greater Advaita-Vedaanta (10th to 14th centuries...)

2. Whatever information we might have on the debate environment in which the tradition contributed (public or written)

I already compiled a list of publications of my own, but I would be most happy to hear from your insights on the mather, on what you might feel is outdated or perhaps new approaches which are worth looking at, so as not to miss anything relevant.

Any suggestions on any of these two point would be greatly appreciated.

I thank you in advance for your time and efforts.

Most kindly,

Karl-Stephan Bouthillette

Doctoral Fellow
Institute for Indology and Tibetology
Department of Asian Studies

LinKedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/pub/karl-stephan-bouthillette/38/a99/36b
Academia.edu: https://lmu-munich.academia.edu/KarlStephanBouthillette

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