[INDOLOGY] Sandhi and compound splitting model

Krishnaprasad G krishnaprasadah.g at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 05:18:43 UTC 2018

This is very great indeed.
I could not run and test.
I am just curious to know how the compound word पटप्रतियोगिकघटानुयोगिकाभावः
or   पीताम्बरकृष्णः would split.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 9:01 PM Jan E.M. Houben via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear Oliver,
> I hope to be able to use the sandhi and word splitter, it will definitely
> be useful.
> As for RV 1.1.1: in no way does it affect your syntactic analysis which is
> your main aim, but even in a coarse annotation dA and dhA should not and
> need not be confounded; in fact, not J&B but, half a century earlier,
> Geldner showed the way to a more correct interpretation, not in his
> translation but in his note ad loc...
> Best,
> Jan
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 12:02, Oliver Hellwig <hellwig7 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Dear Jan,
>> thanks for the positive feedback on the word splitter. Hope it turns out
>> to be useful for our research community.
>> Reg. RV 1.1.1: The analysis does not imply that dhAtama is
>> morphologically derived from dA "to give", although one may get this
>> impression by the term "giving" in that line. "giving" is just a coarse
>> word semantic annotation of dhAtama, which is - it's meant to be coarse! -
>> not too far away from Jamison + Brereton 2014 ("most richly conferring
>> treasure"). Same for the English terms (if any) in other lines.
>> Best wishes, Oliver
>> On 29/08/2018 09:58, Jan E.M. Houben wrote:
>> Dear Oliver,
>> Congratulations and thanks for sharing again a very useful research tool.
>> Also for the tool you shared earlier (see below),
>> which, incidentally, contains a mistake in the very first line:
>> 1#1#1#2#2ratnadhātamam#2#dhātamam#dhātama###219609#4443604#1#ADJ#3#1#1#_##giving~130047~2
>> The mistake -- and you are not the only one to make it -- is that the
>> adjectival word part -dhātama- (you have chosen to neglect tama, probably
>> consciously) is not derived from dā (cp. Gk. didoomi "I give, confer") but
>> from dhā (cp. Gk. tithēmi "I establish").
>> Herzliche Grüße,
>> Jan
>> ***
>> I would like to announce the release of a full annotation of the Rigveda
>> with morphological, lexical and verb-argument information.
>> Data are stored in a publicly accessible repository at
>> https://git.adwmainz.net/open/rigveda
>> Details of the annotation process are described in the LREC paper, which
>> is
>> stored at the upper level of the repository.
>> On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 07:24, Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY <
>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Sebastian Nehrdich and I have developed a machine learning model that
>>> splits Sandhis and compounds in "raw" Sanskrit text.
>>> You find further details, model, code and the data it was built with
>>> (~600.000 lines of Sanskrit text from the DCS) at
>>> https://github.com/OliverHellwig/sanskrit/tree/master/papers/2018emnlp
>>> The pdf in the github directory contains further technical information.
>>> If you know researchers who work on this topic and may be interested in
>>> the model or the data, it would be great if you could forward this mail
>>> to them.
>>> Oliver
>>> ---
>>> Oliver Hellwig
>>> IVS Zurich / SFB 991, Düsseldorf
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>> --
>> *Jan E.M. Houben*
>> Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology
>> *Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite*
>> École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL - Université Paris)
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>> *johannes.houben at ephe.sorbonne.fr <johannes.houben at ephe.sorbonne.fr>*
>> *johannes.houben at ephe.psl.eu <johannes.houben at ephe.psl.eu>*
>> *https://ephe-sorbonne.academia.edu/JanEMHouben
>> <https://ephe-sorbonne.academia.edu/JanEMHouben>*
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