[INDOLOGY] Continuing my Krishna Verses

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Wed Aug 15 13:52:18 UTC 2018


Play of Mā and Umā

यदि काङ्क्षसि मां [मा > मां] विष्णो प्रसन्नं श्वशुरं कुरु ।

उमामिच्छसि चेच्छम्भो भजादौ श्वशुरं तव ।।४८६।।

O Vishnu, if you want Lakshmi [= mā], make your father-in-law [= ocean]
happy.  O Shiva, if you want Uma, then first be devoted to your
father-in-law [Himalaya].

माधवो माम् उवाच -

Madhav said to Mā [= Lakshmi]

मा याहि मां परित्यज्य त्वयि मे! [मा > मे] मे मनो गतम् ।

यदि यास्यसि मां त्यक्त्वा माधव: स्यामहं कथम् ।।४८७।।

Vishnu says: “O Lakshmi [= mā], don’t abandon me and go somewhere else.  My
mind is attached to you, O Lakshmi.  If you abandon me and go somewhere
else, how will I remain Madhava?”

उमाधव उमाम् उवाच -

Umādhava [= Shiva] said to Umā

उमे मा मां परित्यज्य गच्छान्यत्र कदाचन ।

त्वया हीन: शिवोऽशक्त एकल: किं करिष्यति ।।४८८।।

Shiva says: “O Uma, don’t ever abandon me and go somewhere else.  Powerless
without you and all alone, what will Shiva, do?”

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]

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