[INDOLOGY] Resources for commentarial interpretations of particles

Oliver Fallon opfallon at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 14 10:24:43 UTC 2018

 Roodbergen's translation of Mallinātha's commentary on Kirātarjunīya has lots of detailed discussion of this including a very useful appendix on commentarial terminology.It is available here:Kirata Arjuniya Bharavi Mallinathas Ghantapatha Rodebergen J. A. F. Part 1 ( Cantos 1 6) Brill : nindi punj : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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Kirata Arjuniya Bharavi Mallinathas Ghantapatha Rodebergen J. A. F. Part...

sanskrit literature, Sanskrit Books, Dharma Texts, 'Kirata Arjuniya Bharavi Mallinathas Ghantapatha Rodebergen J...



Difficult to find because under the name 'Rodebergen':Internet Archive Search: Rodebergen

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Internet Archive Search: Rodebergen




    On Monday, 13 August 2018, 19:34:30 BST, Birgit Kellner via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:  
 Dear colleagues,

I was wondering whether any of you know of resources to recommend 
especially to students on commentarial interpretations of particles, 
especially api, ca, tu, eva, which function as connectives and logical 
operators. I am particularly interested in presentations of the range of 
options that are available from vyākaraṇa analysis, and discussions of 
the metalanguage used (e.g. avadhāraṇa, samuccaya, sambhāvanā, atiśaya 

There is much material tucked away in footnotes to various publications, 
of course, there are helpful classics like Speijer's Sanskrit Syntax, 
there are some remarks in introductory textbooks and grammar works, and 
some efforts were made towards compiling patterns of commentarial 
language inTubb & Bose's "Scholastic Sanskrit" and in Angot's recent 
"Sanskrit commentarial", and there are articles dealing with specific 
particles and their logical implications (esp. eva), but I have not come 
across attempts to offer more comprehensive inventories of the terms 
śāstric commentators use in interpreting particles.

Pointers would be much appreciated; I'll collect responses and post a 
list later.

With best regards,

Birgit kellner

Prof. Dr. Birgit Kellner
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstrasse 11-13/2
A-1020 Vienna
Phone: +43-(0)1-51581-6420
Fax: +43-(0)1-51581-6410

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