[INDOLOGY] Deccan College sanskrit ditionary

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sun Aug 12 15:50:07 UTC 2018

Thanks, Walter.  This is very informative.  Best,


Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]

On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 8:22 AM Walter Slaje <slaje at kabelmail.de> wrote:

> The "classical" apavyaya- seems to hark back to the root vyā/vī [PW/pw =
> MW/Apte "vye"] + prefix apa, not to "vyay/vyaya" as ultimately derived from
> the root i.
> This is why Graßmann/PW/pw/MW relate the prefix apa exclusively to
> vyā/vī/vye, but never to "vyay". See also Ch. Werbas "Verba Indoarica", pp.
> 411 f.
> Usage of apa + vyā/vye is already attested in the Rigveda, semantically
> perhaps still somewhat remote, yet not absolutely distant from the meaning
> it acquires in the classical period:
> RV 6.75.7d    ánapavyayantaḥ
> RV 7.81.1c    ápo máhi vyayati cákṣase támo
> Best,
> WS
> -----------------------------
> Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
> Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
> D-99425 Weimar
> Deutschland
> Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor
> studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum
> non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,
> sed quo magis veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus
> humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.
> Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.
> Am So., 12. Aug. 2018 um 15:49 Uhr schrieb Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info>:
>> Dear Dan,
>>      Thanks for these two references to apavyayamāna in old texts.  I
>> just checked Kangle's translation of the Arthaśāstra passage and he
>> translates this as "if the officer denies all charges."  I did find the ManuS,
>> 8, 51.1
>> <https://kjc-sv013.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/dcs/index.php?contents=texte&PhraseID=22912>
>>  arthe *'pavyayamānaṃ* tu karaṇena vibhāvitam / in Patrick Olivelle's
>> critical edition, with numerous alternative readings.  I don't have his
>> translation at hand, but Buhler translates this as "But him who denies a
>> debt which is proved by good evidence."  So it looks like in both passages,
>> the meaning of apavyayamāna is something like "one who denies charges."
>> This is very different from the meaning of apavyaya as wasteful or improper
>> use of money or time which it has in modern languages like Marathi, and
>> which some of the Sanskrit dictionaries are reporting without a citation
>> from a classical text.  Some of these expressions are re-entering Sanskrit
>> in the modern usage of Sanskrit in meanings these expressions have in
>> modern languages.
>> Madhav M. Deshpande
>> Professor Emeritus
>> Sanskrit and Linguistics
>> University of Michigan
>> [Residence: Campbell, California]
>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 6:29 AM Dan Lusthaus <prajnapti at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Not sure how significant this is, but the online Digital Corpus of
>>> Sanskrit gives two fairly early occasions - one in Arthaśāstra and the
>>> other in Manusmṛti.
>>> Manusmṛti
>>> ManuS, 8, 51.1
>>> <https://kjc-sv013.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/dcs/index.php?contents=texte&PhraseID=22912> arthe
>>> *'pavyayamānaṃ* tu karaṇena vibhāvitam /
>>> Arthaśāstra
>>> ArthaŚ, 2, 8, 26.1
>>> <https://kjc-sv013.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/dcs/index.php?contents=texte&PhraseID=361111> anekeṣu
>>> *cābhiyogeṣvapavyayamānaḥ* sakṛd eva paroktaḥ sarvaṃ bhajeta //
>>> See
>>> https://kjc-sv013.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/dcs/index.php?contents=lemma&IDWord=21160
>>> Dan
>>> On Aug 12, 2018, at 9:12 AM, Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <
>>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Roland, for these references.  While vyaya is a common usage
>>> going back to old classical texts, the particular formation of apavyaya is
>>> a relatively newer formation.  It is more common in modern languages, and
>>> probably entered into Sanskrit dictionaries through the usage of some
>>> Pandits who were the source for western scholars.  That is my best guess.
>>> Madhav M. Deshpande
>>> Professor Emeritus
>>> Sanskrit and Linguistics
>>> University of Michigan
>>> [Residence: Campbell, California]
>>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 3:31 AM Roland Steiner via INDOLOGY <
>>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>>> I assume that the source of MW's entry "apa-vyaya m. (√ i),
>>>> prodigality, L." (MW, 1st edition 1872: "apavyaya apa-vyaya, as, m.
>>>> (rt. i with apa and vi), prodigality") is probably Wilson's
>>>> Sanskrit-English Dictionary: "apavyaya m. (-yaḥ) Prodigality."
>>>> Cp. also Böhtlingk/Roth's PW s.v. 1. vyay:
>>>> "(von vyaya), vyayati und °te verausgaben, verthun, verschleudern:
>>>> kośāṃstvamavyayīḥ Bhaṭṭ. 15, 17. vāri vyayati vāride Spr. (II) 3936.
>>>> kṣudramāyamanālocya vyayamānaḥ svavāñchayā  2020.  tadavaśiṣṭaṃ ca
>>>> bhojanavyayena vyayitam Hit. 98, 17.  māṃsam  60, 10. — vyayayati
>>>> dass. (vittasamutsaṃrge) Dhātup. 35, 78. gatau und tyāge
>>>> Kavikalpadruma  im Śkdr."
>>>> ≈ MW s.v. 1. vyay: "cl. 1. Ā. P. vyayati, °te (rather Nom. fr. vyaya
>>>> below), to expend, spend, waste, Bhaṭṭ.; Hit.;  Subh.; cl. 10. P.
>>>> vyayayati id., Dhātup. xxxv, 78; to go, move, ib."
>>>> * * *
>>>> See also PW s.v. vyaya:
>>>> "2) b) in Verbindung mit kośasya, arthasya, vittasya, dhanasya,
>>>> draviṇasya Einbusse —, Hingabe —, Verausgabung —, Aufwand eines
>>>> Schatzes u. s. w.: kāle cāsya (kośasya) vyayaṃ kuryāt Kām. Nītis. 5,
>>>> 87. arthasya saṃgrahe caināṃ vyaye caiva niyojayet M. 9, 11. artha°
>>>> Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 36.  H. 387. vittasya (vibhūṣaṇaṃ) pātre vyayaḥ Spr.
>>>> (II) 1487. vittasya corubhārasya cikīrṣansadvyayam Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 32.
>>>> nijavittavyayabhayam Spr. 2380.  Sarvadarśanas. 3, 5.  dhana° Varāh.
>>>> Bṛh. S. 103, 12  (°karī) . Kathās. 75, 34.  Rāja-Tar. 8, 748.  Daśak.
>>>> 62, 10.  lāvaṇyadraviṇa° Spr. 2667.  Ohne solche Ergänzung Ausgabe,
>>>> Aufwand (Gegens. āya, āgama, lābha) Ak. 3, 3, 17.  H. 1516.  P. 1, 3,
>>>> 36.  Vop. 23, 28.  vyaye cāmuktahastā Spr. 5140.  °parāṅnukhī Yājñ. 1,
>>>> 83.  °madhye Rāja-Tar. 6, 38.  Kathās. 52, 317  (pl.). nānāvyayeṣu
>>>> 57, 138.  evaṃ guptanigīrṇāṃstānmṛgayasvāmuto vyayam (wohl vyaye zu
>>>> lesen) so v. a. zu Ausgaben  141.  dīnārānprāggīrṇānvyayeṣvadāt
>>>> 151.fg.  vibhajāvastāndīnārānasti me vyayaḥ so v. a. mir stehen
>>>> Ausgaben bevor  60, 217.  Varāh. Bṛh. S. 53, 77. 79, 5. 104, 10. 18.
>>>> Pañcat. 138, 4.  āyavyayau M. 8, 419.  Yājñ. 1, 326.  Mbh. 3, 8599.fg.
>>>>   āye vyaye mahadduḥkham Spr. (II) 605. (I) 5055.  kriyatāṃ vyayaḥ (so
>>>> ed. Bomb., vyayaṃ ed. Calc.) Mbh. 15, 393.  Mārk. P. 81, 14. nātyayaṃ
>>>> ca vyayaṃ kuryāt Kām. Nītis. 5, 77.  vyayaṃ vyadhā Rāja-Tar. 4, 661.
>>>> kaccidāyasyārdhena - vyayaḥ saṃśodhyate tava wird der Aufwand
>>>> bestritten? Mbh. 2, 204.  tena sarvavyayasaṃśuddhiḥ saṃpadyate Pañcat.
>>>> 251, 16.  kuṭumbārthe kṛto vyayaḥ M. 8, 166.  kaccinna pāne dyūte vā
>>>> krīḍāsu pramadāsu ca . pratijānanti pūrvāhṇe vyayaṃ vyasanajaṃ tava ..
>>>> Ausgaben für Mbh. 2, 203.  samutthāna° M. 8, 287.  tāmbūlādi° Kathās.
>>>> 57, 149.  bhojana° Hit. 98, 17.  gṛha° Pañcat. 251, 18.  svalpa° Spr.
>>>> 2222. 5394.  Hit. 46, 8  (°vyaye mit Johns.  zu lesen). ati° Spr. (II)
>>>> 154. 1959.  Hit. 104, 15.  atula° adj. Rāja-Tar. 8, 733.  nityavyayā
>>>> adj. Spr. 3132.  ardhyapātrānumitavyayasya rāghoḥ so v. a.
>>>> Verausgabung alles Geldes Ragh. 5, 12.  kuḍya° Kosten Yājñ. 2, 223.
>>>> Mittel zum Aufwand, Geld  2, 276.
>>>> pw (= small Petersburg dictionray by Böhtlingk) s.v. vyaya: "2)b)
>>>> Einbusse, Verlust. c) Hingabe, Aufopferung. kiṃ, na kuryāḥ śaravyayam
>>>> warum opferst (d.i. gebrauchst) du nicht deine Pfeile? d) kośasya,
>>>> arthasya, vittasya, dhanasya, draviṇasya oder in Comp. mit diesen
>>>> Einbusse ~, Hingabe ~, Verausgabung ~, Aufwand eines Schatzes u.s.w.
>>>> Ohne solche Ergänzung Ausgabe, Aufwand, ~ für, Kosten von (Loc. oder
>>>> im Comp. vorangehend). Auch Pl. e) Mittel zum Aufwand, Geld."
>>>> ≈ MW s.v. vyaya:  "m. spending, expense, outlay, disbursement (opp. to
>>>> āya, ‘income’, and often with kośasya, vittasya, dhanasya &c.; without
>>>> a gen. = ‘extravagance, waste, prodigality’; with loc. or ifc. =
>>>> ‘outlay for or in’), Mn. ; MBh.  &c. cost, sacrifice of (gen. or
>>>> comp.; vyayena ifc. = ‘at the cost of’), R. ; Kālid. wealth, money,
>>>> Yājñ. ii, 276
>>>> * * *
>>>> pw, s.v. ativyaya:  "m. Verschwendung Spr.154."
>>>> ≈ MW s.v. ativyaya: "m. lavish expenditure."
>>>> Best,
>>>> Roland Steiner
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