[INDOLOGY] Continuing my Krishna Verses

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sat Aug 11 14:02:06 UTC 2018

Continuing my Krishna Verses:

Playful Conversation between Mādhava [Vishnu] and Umādhava [= Shiva]

[continuing from the previous verses]

श्रुत्वेदं वचनं दीनं शिवस्य मधुसूदन: ।
सान्त्वयन्नब्रवीदेवं महादेवं जनार्दन:।।४७६।।
Having heard these pitiful words of Shiva, Krishna said these consoling
words to him.

माधव उवाच -
Mādhava said -

यदि मा मां परित्यज्य गच्छेदन्यत्र कुत्रचित् ।
क्षीराब्धावेकलो दीनो माधव: किं करिष्यति ।।४७७।।
“If Lakshmi [= mā] were to abandon me and go somewhere else, what would I,
all alone, do on the ocean?”

यदि नेच्छसि दीनत्वं मोमया कलहं कुरु ।
प्रसन्ना यदि सा भूयात् सुखं ते दास्यतेऽखिलम् ।।४७८।।
“If you don’t wish to be pitiable, then don’t get into a fight with Uma. If
she is pleased with you, she will give you all happiness.”

कलहं यदि कुर्यास्त्वमुमया हे सदाशिव ।
कैलासशिखरे दीन: शीतार्तो निवसे: कथम् ।।४७९।।
“If you get into a fight with Uma, O Shiva, then how will you live on the
peak of Kailasa, miserable and suffering from cold?”

रमेऽहं जलधौ शेषे मया [मा > मया] सह दिवानिशम् ।
उमया सह कैलासे त्यज शैत्यं सदाशिव।।४८०।।
“I delight with Lakshmi day and night lying on the cosmic snake in the
ocean. O Shiva, living with Uma on the Kailasa mountain, stay away from the

शृणु मे वचनं मा त्वं भार्यया कलहं कुरु ।
उमया त्वं सुखी भूया यथाहं मे मया [मा > मया] सह ।।४८१।।
“Listen to my advice, and don’t get into a fight with your wife. As I am
happy with Lakshmi, may you be happy with Uma.”

परस्परं भावयतो माधवोमाधवौ यथा ।
तथैव लोके सुजना भावयन्तु परस्परम् ।।४८२।।
Just as Madhava and Umadhava [= Śiva] adore each other, so good people in
the world should adore each other.

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus
Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan
[Residence: Campbell, California]

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