[INDOLOGY] My Sanskrit verse today

Suresh Kolichala suresh.kolichala at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 15:27:26 UTC 2018

Wow! Thanks Andrew for your response. Frankly, I didn't expect anyone to
respond, let alone someone from Microsoft. So, I am extremely surprised.
Thanks for your support. Yes, it is only on the browsers where *dyu *appears
as *duya*.  I hope the Harfbuzz developers can issue a fix soon.

Furthermore, I am not sure if it is a good decision to display dyu with
explicit virama, but that's a different discussion. I have many other
questions on the implementation of Nirmala UI for other Indian languages. I
will reach out to you offline.

Thanks again,

On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 3:34 AM, Andrew Glass <xadxura at live.com> wrote:

> Dear Madhav and Suresh,
> I do work at Microsoft, and we take font bugs seriously! 😊
> It turns out the problem in this case is with Firefox and Chrome on
> Windows 10. These browsers use a font rendering technology called Harfbuzz.
> In this case the Nirmala UI font renders this conjunct dyu with explicit
> halant. Nirmala UI renders most conjucts horizontally, often with explicit
> virama, as is commonplace when typesetting Hindi. Nirmala UI has been
> optimized for Hindi because most text in devanagari that renders on Windows
> is in Hindi. Now the problem comes in when Harbuzz tries to position the
> u-matra on the conjunct dy-. It seems to get this wrong and try to position
> the u-matra on the d component. If you paste this cluster into Notepad on
> Windows, you get the correct and expected rendering with the u positioned
> below the ya. This rendering is also correct ("dyu") in Microsoft's Edge
> browser - which is how I determined that the problem is with Harfbuzz - as
> I do see the problem you mentioned, "duya" on Chrome and Firefox. I will
> share this observation with the developer of Harfbuzz.
> Here is the rendering of this pada in Word on Windows 10 using the
> Devanagari fonts that ship with Windows 10.
> Best wishes,
> Andrew Glass
> ------------------------------
> *From:* INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at list.indology.info> on behalf of
> Suresh Kolichala via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>
> *Sent:* Friday, April 27, 2018 12:55 PM
> *To:* Madhav Deshpande
> *Cc:* Indology; Jayaram Sethuraman; e-shabda-charcha-peeth; Bharatiya
> Vidvat parishad; Manik Thakar; Ranjana Date
> *Subject:* Re: [INDOLOGY] My Sanskrit verse today
> Dear Madhavji,
> There is nothing wrong with your *dyutiṃ*. It is the problem with the
> font. The default font on Microsoft windows was changed from Mangal font to
> Nirmala font, in Windows 10 (actually from Windows 8). The rendering of *dyu
> *is not correctly implemented in Nirmala font. So, unfortunately,
> everyone using Microsoft windows 10 would find your  *muktādyutiṃ *as
> *muktāduyatiṃ*.
> You can see how your text appears in various fonts as shown below:
> I hope someone at Microsoft is working to rid their default font of all
> these bugs.
> Regards,
> Suresh.
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 10:49 AM, Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> I am told by a few friends that they see in the second line of my verse
> the word "muktāduyatiṃ".  The Devanagari on my MacBook clearly reads
> "muktādyutiṃ."  So there is some issue in how Devanagari Unicode typed on a
> MacBook gets displayed elsewhere.  I don't have a way of solving this
> dilemma.  I would appreciate if anyone has suggestions.  Best,
> Madhav Deshpande
> Campbell, California
> 2018-04-27 6:51 GMT-07:00 Madhav Deshpande <mmdesh at umich.edu>:
> My Sanskrit verse today:
> कालिन्दीपुलिनेषु खेलनवशाद् यद्भालदेशे सदा
> सञ्जाता: श्रमवारिबिन्दुपुलका मुक्ताद्युतिं तन्वते ।
> यस्यानन्तगुणप्रभाविकिरणाद् विद्योतते भूतलम्
> सोऽयं गोकुलवत्सलो विलसतां मन्मानसे सन्ततम् ।।
> Playing on the banks of Kālindī, the drops of sweat on his forehead
> produced by his exertion shine like pearls. The world itself shines by the
> scattering light of his infinite virtues. May this love of Gokula
> constantly shine in my mind.
> Madhav Deshpande
> Campbell, California
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