[INDOLOGY] Ramopakhyana corrections

Peter Scharf scharfpm7 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 17:41:37 UTC 2017

Dear Colleagues and students,

	I have just posted a second list of corrigenda to Rāmopākhyāna--the Story of Rāma in the Mahābhārata: An Independent-study Reader in Sanskrit on the Sanskrit Library website under Pedagogy/ under Kramapatha readers at the following link:

http://sanskritlibrary.org/kramapatha.html <http://sanskritlibrary.org/kramapatha.html>

	I am currently preparing a second corrected and revised edition.  If you are aware of other errors not reported in these two lists, please email them to me with Ramopkhyana in the subject line.
	Thank you.
	Peter Scharf
	President, the Sanskrit Library
	Visiting Professor, IIT Bombay

Peter M. Scharf
scharfpm7 at gmail.com <mailto:scharfpm7 at gmail.com>

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