[INDOLOGY] devanagari in latex using an emacs editor

BG brendan.gillon at mcgill.ca
Fri May 5 18:10:23 UTC 2017

Dear colleagues,

Might someone on the list point me to where I can find out how to put, 
at a minimum, Devanagari numerals into a Latex document using an emacs 
editor? The more elementary the exposition the better.

Cordially yours,

Brendan Gillon


Brendan S. Gillon                       email: brendan.gillon at mcgill.ca
Department of Linguistics
McGill University                       tel.:  001 514 398 4868
1085, Avenue Docteur-Penfield
Montreal, Quebec                        fax.:  001 514 398 7088

webpage: http://webpages.mcgill.ca/staff/group3/bgillo/web/

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